Advising Information

New Freshmen or New Transfer Students

Please contact Jeffrey Nelson in the Letters & Science Advising Commons by email, or phone, (406) 994-4202. The Letters & Science advising office is located in Wilson Hall 1-106. 

Current Students

All current students at sophomore standing or above should have a faculty advisor. The name of your advisor is located in DegreeWorks and also in MyInfo under the Student Services tab. If you do not see an advisor listed, please reach out to our Academic Services Coordinator, Madison Gordon, at or 406-994-4141.

Careers in Political Science

Our students consistently tell us that their political science education is extremely versatile and valuable regardless of where they end up after graduation. About 1/3 of our students go on to law school, 1/3 go on to graduate school and 1/3 go directly into the work force.

Hear From our Alumni

Please watch the videos below to learn more directly from two of our graduates. Sheridan Johnson who entered the workforce after graduation, and Riley Wavra who went on to law school after graduation.

Sheridan Johnson


Riley Wavra

Sheridan Johnson   Riley Wavra

Listen to recent graduate Sheridan

Johnson talk about her experience

as a Political Science major at

Montana State University.


Approximately 1/3 of our students

go on to law school. Listen to alumni

Riley Wavra talk about that


Links to More Information:

Careers for Political Scientists - a list of resources compiled by the American Political Science Association

What Can I do With a Degree in Political Science?

Public service careers by

Careers with non-profits by Idealist

National Conference of Black Political Scientists Career Center

The College Payoff by Georgetown University's Center of Education and the Workforce. This report examines lifetime earning by occupation, age, race/ethnicity and gender

The Competencies Employers Want by Georgetown University's Center of Education and the Workforce. The top 5 are skills the Political Science curriculum works hard to develop in our majors!

Pre-Law Advising at MSU

Montana State University has a robust pre-law adivising program and student organized club. Utilize these resources to select a major, prepare for law school, apply and more! 

Pre-Law Advising page

Dollars and Sense

The decision of whether or not to attend college is one of the most important decisions any of us will make in our lifetimes. As a department we understand that this decision is not made in a vacuum. It is complex and must involve discussions about your individual situation, needs and finances both in the short term, and the long term.

Scholarships and More...

Supporting the Whole Student

As a department we recognize the need to care for the whole student. MSU offers an incredible collection of resources for our students providing academic support, non-academic support and community building opportunities. We curated a page with a collection of some of the most requested services available at MSU to support students. 

Student Support Resources