2022-2023 EHHD Outstanding Faculty and Staff

Brianna Routh

Brianna Routh

Assistant Professor, Department of Health & Human Development

Outstanding Faculty

Deb Rinio

Deborah Rinio

Assistant Teaching Professor, Department of Education

Outstanding Faculty

Karie Orendorff

Karie Orendorff

Assistant Professor, Department of Health & Human Development

Outstanding Faculty

Roland Ebel

Roland Ebel

Assistant Research Professor, Department of Health & Human Development

Outstanding Faculty

Sweeney Windchief

Sweeney Windchief

Associate Professor, Department of Education

Outstanding Faculty

Tena Versland

Tena Versland

Associate Professor, Department of Education

Outstanding Faculty

Elizabeth Bird

Elizabeth Bird

Project Development & Grants Specialist

Outstanding Staff

Jamie O'Callaghan

Jamie O'Callaghan

Post Baccalaureate Licensure Specialist & Academic and Student Services Advisor, Field Placement & Licensure 

Outstanding Staff

2022-2023 External Faculty Awards

Suzanne Held

Suzanne Held

Professor, Department of Health & Human Development

National Rural Health Day 2022 Community Star - National Organization of National State Offices of Rural Health

Karie Orendorff

Karie Orendorff

Associate Professor, Department of Health & Human Development

SHAPE America's Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program (CSPAP) Innovative Paper Award - Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America

Stephanie Wilson and Mary Miles

Stephanie Wilson & Mary Miles

Graduate Student & Professor, Department of Health & Human Development

Howard A. Dawson Best Research Paper Award - Nutrition Research journal

Sarah Wilson

Sarah Wilson

Assistant Teaching Professor, Department of Education

NREA Achievement Award - National Rural Education Association

2022-2023 EHHD Selected Publications

Selected from scholarly journal articles published between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023.

Department of Education



Authors (*= EHHD faculty)

“Step Outside”: A Portrait of an Exemplary Rural K-8 Science Educator

Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 60:544-567

Hammack, RJ*

Stanton, C*

Boyle, J

Strength in Numbers: The Promise of Community-Based Participatory Research in Rural Education

Theory and Practice in Rural Education, 12(1)105-115

Davis, L*


Planning Literacy Curriculum Development: Critical Reflections

Association for the Teaching of English Grammar

Ellsworth, A

Rurally motivated? How English teachers negotiate rural sense of belonging

English Education 54(3):196-218

Olsen, AW

Long, D

Olsen, KW*

Fassbender, WJ

Building Primary Preservice Teachers’ Identity as Engineering Educators

Education Sciences, 637(12)

Lux, N*

Hammack, RJ*

Wiehe, B (graduate student)

Gannon, P

Department of Health & Human Development



Authors (*= EHHD faculty)

A Model of Successful Transitions from Home to Long-Term Community: A grounded theory study

HSOA Journal of Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, 9(163)

Koltz, DJ*

Impact of long-term lentil consumption on insulin resistance, satiety, and gastrointestinal symptoms – A randomized clinical trial

Nutrition Research, 106

Wilson, SMG (graduate student)

Peterson, EJ (graduate student)

Gaston, ME*

Kuo, WY*

Miles, MP*

Perceived Stress, Stressors, and Preferred Stress Management Strategies among Western Agricultural Producers

Journal of Rural Mental Health

Grocke, MU*

Brennan, AL*

Freeman, B

Weas, H (graduate student)

Gutheil, J (graduate student)

Stallones, L

McMoran, D

The Importance of the Food System for Rural Vitality and Livelihoods In the US Northern Great Plains

Journal of Rural and Community Development,18(1):93-117

Ebel, R*

Thornton, A

The Impact of Trayless Dining Implementation on University Diners’ Satisfaction, Food Selection, Consumption, and Waste Behaviors

Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute/Sustainability 14(24):16669

Zhang, W*

Kwon, J



Click this link to visit awards and honors from previous years.

2021-2022 EHHD Outstanding Faculty and Staff Awards

Christine Stanton

Christine Stanton

Associate Professor, Department of Education

Outstanding Faculty

Jim Becker

Jim Becker

Associate Professor, Department of Health & Human Development

Outstanding Faculty

Lauren Davis

Lauren Davis

Assistant Professor, Department of Education

Outstanding Faculty

Michelle Grocke-Dewey

Michelle Grocke-Dewey

Assistant Professor, Department of Health & Human Development

Outstanding Faculty

Nick Lux

Nick Lux

Associate Professor, Department of Education

Outstanding Faculty

Sunny Kim

Sunny Kim

Assistant Professor, Department of Health & Human Development

Outstanding Faculty

Micki MacGregor

Micki MacGregor

Data & Research Analyst, Department of Education

Outstanding Employee

Milana Lazetich

Milana Lazetich

Graduate Academic Services Coordinator, Department of Health & Human Development

Outstanding Employee

Suzi Taylor

Suzi Taylor

Director, Science Math Resource Center

Outstanding Employee

Cyndi Meldahl

Cyndi Meldahl

Academic Advisor, Department of Education Academic Advising Center

Career Celebration Recognition

Joyce Herbeck

Joyce Herbeck

Associate Professor, Department of Education

Career Celebration Recognition

Robert Carson

Robert Carson

Professor, Department of Education

Career Celebration Recognition

2021-2022 EHHD External Faculty Awards

Jayne Downey

Jayne Downey

Professor, Department of Education

Career Achievement Award - American Educational Research Association, Rural Education Special Interest Group

Wan-Yuan Kuo

Wan-Yuan Kuo

Assistant Professor, Department of Health & Human Development

New Innovator Award - Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research

Brianna Routh

Brianna Routh

Assistant Professor, Department of Health & Human Development

Mary B Wells Memorial Diversity Award - National Extension Association of Family & Consumer Sciences

Innovation Award - National Extension Association of Family & Consumer Sciences

2021-2022 EHHD Selected Publications

Selected from scholarly journal articles published between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022.

Department of Education



Authors (*= EHHD faculty)

Choosing a rural teaching position: The importance of relationships and field experiences

Australian and International Journal of Rural Education, 32(3):38-52

Versland, T*

Wilson, S*

Downey, J*

Considering Indigenous Research Methodologies: Bicultural Accountability and the Protection of Community Held Knowledge

Qualitative Inquiry, 28(2)151-163

Windchief, S*

Cummins, JD*


Digital Rural Community Walks: Building Preservice Teachers’ Rural Engagement through Technology Integration

Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 30(2)135-143

Lux, N*

Downey, J*

Luebeck, J

Hicks, J*

Fifth Grade Chinese and U.S. Students'  Division Problem Posing: A Small-Scale Study

Hiroshima Journal of Mathematics Education, 15 (Special Issue):85-97

Luo, F*

Yu, Y (graduate student)

Meyerink, M (graduate student)

Burgal, C (graduate student)


Poverty and Middle Level Achievement in a Common Core State: What Are We Missing?

Middle Grades Review

Dotson, L*


Department of Health & Human Development



Authors (*= EHHD faculty)

#Alonetogether: An exploratory study of social media use at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic

The Journal of Social Media in Society, 11(1):27-45

Vaterlaus, JM*

Patten, EV

Spruance, L


“Press on, continue on”: Rural parents’ experiences of transitions within early intervention.

Rural Special Education Quarterly, 41(4):197-210

Decker, KB*

Feigel, AJ (graduate student)

Foster, TD

Kepl, RL (undergraduate student)


An ecological approach to understanding women’s reproductive health and pregnancy decision making in Greenland

Health & Place, 77

Rink, EL*

Peterson, M (graduate student)


Social-ecological and biographical perspectives of principals’ involvement in comprehensive school physical activity programs: A person-centered analysis

Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy

Orendorff, KL*

Webster, C

Mindrila, D

Cunningham, KMW

Doutis, P

Dauenhauer, B

Stodden, DF

Developing culturally acceptable peanut nutrition bars with smallholder women farmers in Kaffrine, Senegal using response surface methodology

Journal of Food Science

Allan, E (graduate student)

Ndiaye, A

Raber, E (undergraduate student)

Song, M

Kuo, WY*


Click this link to visit awards and honors from the current academic year.