2023-2024 EHHD Outstanding Faculty and Staff

Jill Falcon Ramaker

Jill Falcon Ramaker

Assistant Professor, Department of Food Systems, Nutrition & Kinesiology

Outstanding Faculty

Leslie Rogers

Leslie Rogers

Assistant Professor, Department of Education

Outstanding Faculty

Nicole Wanago

Nicole Wanago

Assistant Professor, Department of Human Development & Community Health

Outstanding Faculty

Rebecca Koltz

Rebecca Koltz

Professor, Department of Counseling

Outstanding Faculty

Sarah Mendoza

Sarah Mendoza

Assistant Professor, Department of Counseling

Outstanding Faculty

Sarah Pennington

Sarah Pennington

Associate Professor, Department of Education

Outstanding Faculty

Wenhao Zhang

Wenhao Zhang

Assistant Professor, Department of Food Systems, Nutrition & Kinesiology

Outstanding Faculty

John Melick

John Melick

Director, Field Placement & Licensure 

Outstanding Staff

Julian Collins

Julian Collins

Director, TRIO Student Support Services

Outstanding Staff

Click this link to visit awards and honors from previous years.