The TRIO Student Support Services Program and Scholar Expectations

The TRIO SSS program and its staff are here to support your success. The tables below outline what you should expect from TRIO SSS, and what TRIO SSS expects from you, in order to achieve your academic and personal goals. 

Expectation Tables

Academic Success

Long-term Success



Academic Success
What scholars should expect from TRIO
What TRIO expects from scholars

Our TRIO Retention Specialist has an advanced degree in Education.  The job of the RS is to connect you with a wide range of strategies, resources, and opportunities to help you reach your goals. Together we will brainstorm and find a plan that is uniquely suited to your success.

Schedule and attend two academic advising meetings with the TRIO Retention Specialist per month.  Have an academic goal in mind and a desire to work collaboratively toward it.

The AYSSS exists to provide you with the resources you need to know where you are headed and how to get there.  Every time you meet with them you can think of it as purchasing a new tool to make your work at MSU easier and more efficient.

Attend two learning strategies workshops or take one one-credit learning strategies course per semester.

$320 will be placed in your Smarty Cats tutoring account every semester. This will cover at least 10hrs/week of one-on-one tutoring.  We want you to spend it all!

Utilize Smarty Cats tutoring. Research shows us that students who use tutoring consistently score an average of one letter grade higher.  Even if you have an A in the course, tutoring benefits you by helping your brain make long-term connections that will help you retain important information longer. 

If you need a supportive ally to go with you to a meeting with a professor, dean, or other school official please let us know and we will plan to attend with you.  You will do the talking, but we will be there to help you be heard.

Meet with your professors, deans, or other school officials to advocate for yourself when needed.

We want to be here for you anytime for any reason. If you just want us to listen we are happy to do that.  If you would like advice please let us know and we will help you find the resources you need.  All TRIO staff have had training and TRIO is a Safe Zone.

If you are struggling, feel stuck or confused, are uncertain of your next step, or are having emotional or health problems, please ASK FOR HELP!  Knowing that you don’t know everything is a sign of maturity, not a sign of weakness.

We will accommodate walk-in meetings any time if at all possible.  We are skilled in the art of hugs and happy dances.

Any time you have a question, a problem, a concern, or something to celebrate please stop by the TRIO Office.
TRIO provides you with a number of aids that can make scholastic life better.  We have Smart Pens to check out to you as well as colored overlays and rulers than can help significantly with eye fatigue and focus.
If you are struggling with reading course materials, taking notes, studying or taking tests, visit the TRIO Retention Specialist.


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What scholars should expect from TRIO
What TRIO expects from scholars

Provide financial education resources, including a financial counselor.

Visit a financial counselor in the Financial Education Office in the SUB across from the AYSSS at least once per semester.

Pay the cost of the Strong’s and Myers Briggs Inventories for you. Provide a career counselor appointment.

Visit a career counselor in the Allen Yarnell Student Success Center at least twice per semester.

Help you form a professional resume and proof cover letters and internship/scholarship applications.

Attend at least one career fair each year.

Provide access to Bobcat Mentors, enabling connections to MSU alum.

If you have a Bobcat Mentor, meet with your mentor at least twice per month. 


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What scholars should expect from TRIO
What TRIO expects from scholars
TRIO publishes a weekly newsletter to keep you abreast of important dates and deadlines, internship and employment opportunities, and campus and community events.

Read the weekly TRIO Times on Tuesday each week.  The TRIO Times is delivered directly to your student email.  If you don’t seem to be getting it, please check your junkmail and remove it from your spam folder.
TRIO works with a number of departments and programs on campus to provide you with stimulating, encouraging, and educational events to help you grow your base of ideas and inspiration.
Review events on Facebook, the website, and in the TRIO Times and attend what interests you. Plan to be on time and plan to enjoy yourself.
TRIO will follow-up with you after events, often through surveys and personal conversations to improve event quality and effectiveness. 
Provide us feedback after events so we can make these experiences as valuable to you as possible.
TRIO will host breakfast alternating Wednesday and Thursday mornings from 8:30-11. We also have coffee and tea everyday all day.  Lastly, Community Rec nights ensure you will have time to smile and relax.
Use TRIO weekly Breakfasts and monthly Community Rec Nights as an opportunity to meet other TRIO scholars, destress, get impromptu help from the TRIO staff and stay connected with your resources.