Montana State University - Bozeman (MSU)[BROKEN LINK]. MSU maintains an active remote sensing research, education, and outreach program centered in the MSU Remote Sensing Lab and the Spatial Sciences Center, as well as several other departments at MSU. MSU offers a broad suite of remote sensing, GIS, GPS, and geospatial science courses.

Montana Association of Geographic Information Professionals (MAGIP). MAGIP is a non-profit professional association whose mission is to advance an interdisciplinary approach to the use of geographic information. MAGIP sponsors educational workshops, conferences, forums, grants, and scholarships and works with collectively with many organizations to foster technical cooperation, sound management policy and practices that can support the efficient and effective use of geographic information system resources.

Montana State Library (MSL). MSL is home to the most comprehensive collection of geospatial data and services in Montana.  Under the guidance of the Montana Land Information Advisory Council, it provides stewardship of the majority of Montana’s National Spatial Data Infrastructure layers.  The Library leads the coordination of GIS data collection among federal, state, and local agencies and represents Montana at the National States Geographic Information Council (NSGIC).

Precision Agriculture Research Association (PARA). PARA is a non-profit association of agricultural producers, university faculty, industry representatives and others committed to sharing information about technology to help each other accomplish various site-specific agricultural tasks.

University of Montana (UM). UM has many departments and funded research centers that rely on remote sensing for their research (e.g. Forestry, Geography, National Center for Landscape Fire Analysis, Numerical Terradynamics Simulation Group, State Climate Office, and Wildlife Spatial Analysis Lab). Currently, five departments teach GIS and remote-sensing classes. UM is also home to the GIS4MT program which provides a state-wide ESRI site license for schools and provides workshops for educators to help them apply GIS and remote sensing in their classrooms.

Salish Kootenai College (SKC). Situated on the Flathead Indian Reservation, SKC serves the Salish, Kootenai, Pend d’Oreille, and other Native American tribes, offering 2- and 4-year degrees including Forestry, Environmental Science, and Information Technology. SKC offers three GIS courses and is expanding its geospatial program to include a remote sensing course.

USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS). The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is the federal agency that works with private landowners to help them conserve, maintain, and improve natural resources and the environment. Among its many programs in Montana, the NRCS provides support and guidance for rangeland managers. The NRCS uses remote sensing-based decision support tools to assist managers in their evaluations of range conditions.

USGS Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center (NOROCK). NRMSC conducts research in support of natural resources management in the mountains and plains of Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho. The USGS National Geospatial Programs Office (NGPO), co-located with NRMSC, is the federal entity in Montana for coordination of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure.

University of Montana Western (UM-Western) - Department of Environmental Science. UM-Western offers several geospatial and remote sensing courses through the Department of Environmental Science.  Students learn how to collect and analyze geospatial and remote sensing data and apply these skills in their stream restoration, surficial mapping, and glaciology courses as well as research projects.