In a 50-minute coaching session, we would engage in a collaborative process intended to provide insight and strategies for growth and empowerment in your academic life and/or mentoring practice using mindfulness and other coaching tools.  My main interest as a coach is to help people find more purpose, meaning and joy in their academic work. 

Within this scope, we can work with many issues related to mentoring or navigating the academic environment.  A coaching session may be helpful for you if you are:

  • feeling “stuck” or uncertain with your next steps
  • wishing to navigate and meet challenges with more ease
  • want to approach your work more mindfully, consciously and intentionally
  • want to intentionally chart your path on your academic journey

If you would like to schedule a session, you can sign up with the links below.  When you confirm the appointment time, there will be a few questions to answer about logistics and what you’d like to get out of the session.


Mindful Mentor Graduates

Coaching Appointments

Individualized coaching support for Mindful Mentor Program graduates to continue to develop their mentoring and/or mindfulness practice.  


Graduate Students

Coaching Appointments

Coaching support for navigating the graduate experience and/or mentoring relationships.  



Coaching Appointments

Coaching support for navigating the academic environment, including tenure and other challenges.

Description of coaching:  Coaching, unlike therapy or advising, is not about processing past experiences or giving expert advice. Instead, the coach's role in a session is to facilitate access to the client's own wisdom using mindfulness and other coaching strategies. Clients have responsibility for their own wellbeing, decisions and actions, including seeking appropriate mental health support as needed.

Confidentiality:  I want to acknowledge that the university is a relatively small community with potential areas of intersection and pre-existing relationships. My responsibility as a coach is to create a neutral safe space for exploration. Everything discussed within a coaching session will be confidential unless it falls within my mandatory reporting requirements.