Cohort Hiring Initiative 

The College of Letters and Science at Montana State University is hiring six tenure track faculty members across our participating departments with a demonstrated record of or potential for scholarly activity (research, teaching, service, and creative work) that promotes the wellness of underserved communities broadly defined. This cohort hiring initiative is part of a university commitment to support our diverse student body, faculty, and staff. (See Montana State University’s Diversity & Inclusion Framework and Strategic Plan: Choosing Promise.)

Africana Studies

Africana Studies timeline


  • Summer 2019- Black Student Union  (BSU) approached MSU stating a lack of curriculum
  • Fall 2019- MSU began communication with the Director of African American Studies at the University of Montana (UM)
  • Spring 2019- MSU and BSU met to collaborate with UM's Director of African American Studies
  • Fall 2020- MSU created and taught LS194D - Intro to Africana Studies
  • Fall 2020- CLS was tasked with developing the Africana Studies Certificate
  • Fall 2021- MSU taught LS194D - Intro to Africana Studies
  • Fall 2021- The Africana Studies Committee and affiliated faculty met to discuss the curriculum
  • Spring 2023- Africana Studies Certficate program approved by the Montana Board of Regents.
  • GOAL: Academic Year 2023/2024- Offer an undergraduate certificate program in Africana Studies

Listening Sessions

In Spring 2021 semester, we held departmental listening sessions to hear from each department about their priorities, concerns, and initiatives in regards to diversity, equity and inclusion. From these listening sessions, this fall we will develop the initiatives for moving our College forward. 

Have a comment or suggestion, or just want to learn more?

Contact the CLS Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee at