Thursday, August 2, 4:00-4:30, SUB Room 233, Theme: Leadership

In 2013, a USDE grant was awarded to three high-need school districts and their university partners in Illinois. Through this grant, called the Illinois Partnerships to Advance Rigorous Training (IL-PART), these universities/districts piloted an intensive full-time/full semester-long internship model that provided a longer duration of full-time, job embedded experiences. The full-time, full-semester internship has proven to be a more cost effective and replicable strategy than the full-year, full-time internship model used by several principal preparation programs.

Not all the principal candidates participated in the full-semester internship and instead opted to do the traditional internship. An evaluation of the grant is studying the extent of differences between the two internship models  by tracking outcomes during both the pre-service phase and after graduates are hired into principal positions.

This presentation will report on three years of evaluation results on fidelity of implementation, program satisfaction, and lessons learned. The presenters will share data results and practical strategies for rural districts regarding:

  • Utilizing this model for successful succession planning to sustain the principal pipeline
  • New teacher evaluation requirements and aligning the full-semester internship during off-year teacher evaluation cycles
  • Identification and placement of quality substitute teachers to avoid negative impact on student learning
  • The Affordable Care Act and how this affects substitute teacher benefits

Documents that have been created to help message the new internship model, cost out the substitute costs for districts and retain candidates in the district after the release from their teaching duties will be shared.

Presentation materials for download if you wish:

Link to Presentation

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