The MSU Office of Health Advancement provides the Center for Students in Recovery. This is a community for students in sobriety, their allies, and those looking to gain or maintain recovery from addictive disorders. They provide sober events, fellowship, wellness mentoring and other resources. The Center provides recreational opportunities, service work, academic and professional growth as well as a peer-based recovery mentorship program that helps students manage and excel in challenging situations, on and off campus.

Details are available or email at The Center is located at 1106 S 6th Ave.

Students and Employees – General Counseling Services

In addition to the Student Alcohol and Drug Assistance/Insight Program, general counseling is available through MSU’s Counseling and Psychological Services located in 211 Swingle, 406-994- 4531. Assessments and individual counseling for students whose lives have been affected by their own or someone else’s substance abuse are available. Persons who voluntarily avail themselves of university services shall be assured that applicable professional standards of confidentiality will be observed.

These counseling and rehabilitation services include:

  1. Training professional staff and student staff on drug abuse information, intervention and referral; 2 Conducting education programs for students who have demonstrated abusive behavior with


3 Conducting individual counseling for members of the university community with drug problems; 4 Conducting drug abuse assessments;

  • Providing consultation, information and referral for students, staff and faculty with drug problems;
  • Designing and developing referral opportunities for members of the university community who desire to seek professional assistance beyond the This will be done in cooperation with the employee assistance program and MSU Human Resources; and
  • Providing, with peer involvement, a system of intervention and referral services for students, faculty and

This program has been designed to make faculty, students, administrators, and other employees served by the program comfortable, to give choice in the selection of assistance, to maintain confidentiality of clients, and to provide professional service.

An employee assistance program (EAP) is also available to provide information or confidential referral to drug and/or alcohol counseling or rehabilitation programs. An employee wishing to access the services may go to:; click on TLC button and access the TLC website (company code MUS) or call toll free 1-866-248-4532.

Employees needing help in dealing with drug/alcohol problems or information on insurance coverage for treatment and rehabilitation programs may also contact Human Resources.

Enforcement and Sanctions

MSU’s policy provides that students who violate the University alcohol and drug abuse policy, city or state laws are subject to disciplinary action as a student under the Student Conduct Code; and employees violating the policy are subject to discipline under personnel policies or applicable collective bargaining agreement. Individuals may also be subject to criminal prosecution.

Student sanctions may include reprimand, probation, suspension, expulsion and/or restitution as well as required attendance at educational and/or treatment programs.

Employee sanctions may include disciplinary measures up to and including termination. MSU may require the satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program by any employee who violates campus policy. (Section 1230.30 of the Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual.)

Criminal sanctions, regardless of status, may include jail, probation, mandatory counseling and/or education, fines, and suspension or revocation of driving privileges. Groups displaying unreasonable and irresponsible conduct or violating this University Alcohol/ Other Drugs policy will jeopardize continuance of the University- recognized or supported event and access to University service and facilities.

Biennial Review

MSU’s Office of the Dean of Students and the Office of Health Advancement reviews the University’s drug and alcohol abuse prevention programs for students and employees biennially to determine the programs’ effectiveness and to implement changes if needed. The review will include the collection of information about a) the number of drug and alcohol-related violations and fatalities that occur on campus or as part of the institution’s activities which are reported to campus officials; and b) the number and types of sanctions imposed by the institution as a result of those drug and alcohol-related violations and fatalities.

A written report of the review shall be prepared and maintained by MSU for a period of at least three years.