Kyleen Breslin - Managing Director/Title IX Coordinator

Kyleen is responsible for the University's compliance with state and federal civil rights laws which protect employees and students from discrimination and harassment on the basis of race, sex, national origin, religion, age, and other characteristics. Kyleen can be reached at (406) 994-5326 or

Berit Manion - Civil Rights Investigator

Berit completes investigations of complaints of discrimination and harassment, including Title IX. Berit can be reached at (406) 994-5720 or

Hannah McWhorter - Civil Rights Investigator

Hannah completes investigations of complaints of discrimination and harassment, including Title IX. Hannah can be reached at (406) 994-3373 or .

Jessica Feltner - Case Manager

Jessica supports clients and coordinates interim measures, including support for pregnant and parenting students. Jessica can be reached at (406) 994-2042 or

Madi Herman - Prevention Education Specialist 

Madi is passionate about prevention work and cultivating relationships with students, faculty, and staff to create a more hopeful tomorrow.

Access materials used to train CCR staff.