Ready to find the perfect on campus job? 


Complete this form to let us know the areas you’re interested in for on-campus student employment. At this point, think of yourself as “shopping” for employment options, so feel free to select more than one type of work. If you need more information on what each category entails, please check out the details and some examples here. 

Once you have completed this form, you will receive an email with some job descriptions and application details based on the types of work you selected. If you want to further explore on campus work opportunities, please schedule a time to discuss with a Gold Standard representative by emailing us at or calling (406)994-7628.

*If you are already working on campus and are interested in taking advantage of the Gold Standard Leadership opportunities offered through the program, please select the box below labeled, "I already have a job on campus and want to partipate in the leadership opportunities." Check out the Gold Standard Leaership opportunites here.

 denotes required fields.

Basic Information
Example: -01234567
What is the best number to call or text you at?
What is your preferred email?
Job Placement Inquiry
Example: I enjoy spending time outside; I am interested in helping with research; I prefer working in a team setting