Career, Internship & Student Employment Services will host the Central Intelligence Agency on campus Tuesday, April 16 through Friday, April 19. Please see details below regarding these unique opportunities to engage with representatives from the CIA. For additional questions, please contact Jennifer Shore at

Your primary presenter and team leader is a 20-year veteran of the CIA, working in support of intelligence projects across all directorates. He also spent 20 years as senior communications engineer/consultant for the University System of Georgia, as well as several Silicon Valley established vendors and communication startups. He has an undergraduate degree in Math/Physics and an MBA with technology management focus.

Inaddition, representatives from the Directorate of Digital Innovation and Program Management specialties will be on campus to talk about their experiences across all directorates of the CIA.

Faculty & Staff Meet and Greet - Wed, April 17, 9am - 10:30am

We will be hosting a meet and greet on Wednesday, April 17 from 9am – 10:30am in SUB Ballrooms B and C. Hear about career opportunities with the CIA (nearly something for everyone!), and ask questions specific to the degree paths / interests of the students you support. Continental breakfast will be provided. RSVP IN THE FORM BELOW. 

Classroom Visit - Tues, April 16 through Fri, April 19

CIA representatives welcome the opportunity to speak to your class Tuesday, April 16 through Friday, April 19. If you are interested, please complete the form below. Representatives will be available for general CIA career conversations, as well as very specific degree path conversations / simulations. Request will be prioritized based on date/time received, and availability of the CIA team. COMPLETE THE FORM BELOW.

  • The Collection, Analysis, and Dissemination Cycle
  • The President’s Daily Brief – A Window to the World
  • Leadership Analysis, Psychology, and Profiling: How to Give our American Negotiators an Unfair Advantage
  • HR, Business, and Accounting Degrees at CIA: It’s Not What You Think!
  • Technology and Engineering Practices at CIA in Support of the Intelligence Cycle
  • The Engineering Mindset Deconstructed:  Destruction and Creation
  • Political Analysis: Thinking “Inside the Box”
  • Poorly Structured Problems and Their Solutions
  • It’s All About the Data
  • Career Plasticity: International Policy, Engineering, and Economic Analysis
  • Student Impact on CIA’s Mission
  • The Application Process 
  • Scholarship Opportunities – undergraduate, and graduate students 
  • Internship program and Full Time opportunities

Please complete the form below for either or both opportunities. 

 denotes required fields.