Sustainable Transportation
Transportation is about more than getting from A → B
Transportation choices have real and immediate impacts on our lives, the lives of others, and the natural world. By traveling sustainably, we can limit our negative impacts, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and create a positive environment for everyone. As the city of Bozeman grows (the US Census Bureau ranked Bozeman the #1 largest gaining micropolitan area in the Country in 2017) it becomes more important than ever to reduce traffic congestion, infrastructure costs, pollution, and to advocate for travel options that are equitable and convenient.
The MSU Office of Sustainability strives to support those who provide and use sustainable transportation and encourage those who do not. By doing so, MSU moves one step closer to attaining the goals set forth in the MSU Climate Action Plan as well as make campus welcoming to all. Whether you are a student, an employee, or a visitor to MSU, you can make the choice to get to campus sustainably.