Description of Request

Submitted By: Megan Lasso, AVP Budget & Financial; Jason Browning, Chief Data Officer

The University Budget Office has experienced significant growth within the last two years due to the implementation of a shared services model. Staff members are co-located within the units they support but rotate into the central office 1-2 days per week, in addition to utilizing hybrid work schedules. Currently, the Budget Office occupies four permanent spaces in Montana Hall and leverages a small hoteling space within a conference room. This arrangement meets their current need for 5-6 spaces, but with continued growth, the demand is expected to increase to 6-8 spaces. Most office spaces are shared between two staff members on different days.

Similarly, the University Data & Analytics (UDA) office is expanding and requires additional office space for new hires expected this fall, and to address an unmet need for a full-time data scientist currently using a graduate student's desk in their entry/lobby space. Private offices are necessary to ensure privacy for sensitive data discussions.

With the Campus Civil Rights office moving to Swingle Annex, Montana Hall 301 and suite 311 will become available. The proposed allocation would provide the Budget Office with two private offices (311B and C) and one open seating area (311E). UDA would be allocated two private offices (311A and 301). Room 315 will remain as a shared use conference room but could be considered as a shared office space in the future if space demands warrant that consideration. These spaces are adjacent to the UDA office and directly above the Budget Office providing proximity to both units. These units also often collaborate so adjacency could enhance that collaboration. Shared space arrangements like this demonstrate effective cooperation and optimal space utilization between the departments.


Date: September 6, 2024

Space Management Committee has approved the allocation of offices within suite 311 to the Budget Office and Univeristy Data & Analytics, as described above.