Description of Request

Submitted By: Diane Debinski, Ecology Department HEad

The lack of ADA accessible instructional labs is an ongoing issue in Lewis Hall. The Office of Disability
Services, Registrar’s Office, and effected faculty and departments must address accessibility concerns each
semester. As the institution’s enrollment continues to grow, so does the need for accommodations each
semester. There are several instructional labs within Lewis Hall that are inaccessible as there is no elevator
in the building, which facilitates the need for a number of course relocations and lab alternative solutions to
be identified each term. For the spring of 2023, at least 7 courses will need to be moved from Lewis Hall
due to ADA concerns.
The basement of Lewis Hall, which was previously occupied by the non-human primate research group and
Cell Biology & Neuroscience, is currently vacant and provides opportunities to accommodate the request
for an ADA accessible lab space in much closer proximity than previously available. The Lewis basement is
accessible through the adjoining Tietz Hall, with doors that have handicap accessible buttons, and
accessible restrooms. After viewing the space, the University Facilities team, University Architect, Planning
Manager, Office of Disability Services, and Department of Ecology believe it is possible to retrofit Lewis
Hall 013 to be used as an instructional lab that could accommodate Ichthyology and Ornithology labs for
Spring 2023 and similar needs in the future. This request requires the committee to approve the change-in-use of this space, as it is currently designated as graduate student space.


Date: December 2, 2022

Space Management Committee has approved the allocation of Lewis Hall 013 for use as an ADA accessible lab.

Space Planning & Management
Sixth Avenue and Grant Street
Montana State University
Bozeman, MT 59717

Planning Manager:
Richard Rudnicki
Tel: (406)994-5560

Space Planner:
Alisha Downs
Tel: (406)994-4105