Description of Request

Submitted By: Nick Borys, Director, MonArk Quantum Foundry

The MonArk Quantum Foundry has requested office space for two incoming research faculty members; Amir Hasani (MonArk Scientist and Networking Coordinator) and Loc Duong (MonArk Scientist and Liaison). The location of the offices should allow for quick access to the lab located in Barnard 008. To accommodate this request, staff proposes a series of space changes on the second floor of Barnard Hall.


Currently, the Society of Physics Students (SPS) utilizes the space in room 255, and emeritus professor Hugo Schmidt occupies a private office in room 240. The space management policy allows for the allocation of a private office space to emeritus faculty for one year post retirement, and a shared office space for those involved in active research, teaching etc. thereafter (Space Management Policy, 203-Office Space, Item 7). Per this policy, Hugo Schmidt is no longer eligible for allocated space given that he is no longer active in any ongoing research on campus. Therefore, we request that emeritus Schmidt vacate room 240 to create additional space needed by the department. Staff proposes to relocate the SPS from 255 into 240, allowing for the creation of a shared office space in room 255 for the incoming MonArk Quantum Foundry research faculty.


Date: October 7, 2022

Space Management Committee has approved the office allocations as described above.

Space Planning & Management
Sixth Avenue and Grant Street
Montana State University
Bozeman, MT 59717

Planning Manager:
Richard Rudnicki
Tel: (406)994-5560

Space Planner:
Alisha Downs
Tel: (406)994-4105