Description of Request

Submitted By: Nicholas Childs, Office of Research Compliance

The Office of Research Compliance (ORC) has been working on removal of an irradiator in Tietz Hall room 129. The space requires significant security support from local law enforcement, Safety & Risk Management, and ORC, and contains a significant level of radiation material. This piece of equipment is also highly specialized limiting its use and broad application. Lewis Hall 004A has been identified as the proposed space option.
ORC is replacing this equipment with a non-radiation piece of equipment (x-ray) that can be used for the same type of experiments; however, it is more versatile and can be used for other types of experiments and research which the irradiator cannot.
The disposal and new equipment are being funded jointly by the VP Admin and VPREDGE office and reimbursed through grant funding. The new x-ray equipment needs to be in place and operational in order for this to reimbursement so using the same space is prohibitive. An additional consideration is finding a location which is more accessible than the Animal Resources Center (ARC) which will make it easier for researchers from across campus to access the equipment. The new location in close proximity to Tietz Hall will still allow for animal subjects to be brought to and from the new x-ray unit easily, minimizing the possibility of introducing pathogens back into the ARC.
After consulting with Work Control regarding equipment needs it has been determined that Lewis Hall 004A meets all the requirements. Lewis 004A was used as a primate research lab up until December but is now vacant. Due to the compartmentalized nature of the adjacent space, the placement of the equipment in 004A will still allow potential future animal researchers to occupy lab space and have animal procedural rooms close to the x-ray equipment.


Date: April 1, 2022

Space Management Committee unanimously approved the allocation of Lewis 004A as described above.

Space Planning & Management
Sixth Avenue and Grant Street
Montana State University
Bozeman, MT 59717

Planning Manager:
Richard Rudnicki
Tel: (406)994-5560

Space Planner:
Alisha Downs
Tel: (406)994-4105