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Evidence and Education: Linking Research, Policy, and Practice to Enhance K-12 Education

A conference sponsored by the Montana State University Initiative for Regulation and Applied Economic Analysis
April 12, 2019 | Montana State University, Bozeman, MT
Free and open to the public; seating is limited, your RSVP is required
This one-day conference brought economics and education researchers together with local experts for insightful discussions on challenges facing our nation's schools and the policies designed to address them. 


Conference News Release


Conference Sessions: April 12, Procrastinator Theater, Room 237 Strand Union Building, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Session 1: Challenges in Teacher Recruitment and Retention

  • Stephanie Aragon, Educational Commission of the States 
    “National Overview: Addressing Ongoing Shortages Through State-level Policymaking”?
  • Helen Ladd, Duke University
    “The Hidden Costs of Teacher Turnover”
  •  Jayne Downey, Montana State University
    "Rural Teacher Recruitment and Retention: The Importance of Context"
  • Tracy Zuhoski, Montana State University student
    Rural Education

Session 2: Understanding School Funding and Disparities in Student Success

  • Luis Huerta, Columbia University
    "Beyond Equity: A Framework for Understanding the Relationship Between Resources and Student Outcomes"
  • Helen Ladd, Duke University
    “Value-Driven Approaches to School Funding ”
  • Diane Schanzenbach, Northwestern University

    “The State of School Finances and Their Impacts”  

  • Roberta Evans, University of Montana
    "Are Rural School Funding Disparities Offset by Extraordinary Educational Experiences?"
  • Jason Cummins, Crow Agency Elementary School and Montana Advisory Council on Indian Education
    "Achievement and Opportunity Gaps: A Practitioner's View and Experience in Native American Schools"

Session 3: Accountability in Education

  • Audrey Amrein-Beardsley, Arizona State University

"Using the evidence on educational accountability to inform K-12 policy and practice"

  • Diane Schanzenbach, Northwestern University
    "The Lessons We've Learned"
  • Amy Watson, Montana Department of Labor
    “Montana Colleges’ Role in Meeting State Workforce Needs”

Session 4: Advancing School Safety

  • Sharon Hoover, University of Maryland

    “Safe and Successful Students: The Value of School Mental Health” 

  • Laura St. John, Bozeman School District

    “The Effects of Trauma Informed Interventions on School Climate and Safety” 

  • Scott Adams, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
    “An Assessment of Various Measures to Curb School Violence”

Session 5: Technology in Education

  • Robert Fairlie, University of California-Santa Cruz

    "Technology Use in Education"

  • Marijke Visser, American Library Association
    “Yes, and: When Internet Access is No Longer a Limiting Factor for Library Services”
  • Jessica Anderson, 2016 Montana Teacher of the Year
    "Technology Innovation for Beyond the Classroom"

Questions and Answer Session

Conference Wrap Up and Reflections Panel:

  • Robert Watson, Bozeman Public Schools
  • Siri Smilie, Montana Governor's Office
  • Tricia Seifert, Montana State University


 Continuing Education Credits (.65) and Office of Public Instruction renewal units (6) are available.

Please contact Tamara Moe, Business Manager,


For more information: Co-Directors Vince Smith and Wendy Stock