
The Montana State University Award for Meritorious Technology/Science will be given to an MSU faculty member who has made one or more significant technological/scientific contributions. It is essential that the technology has the potential for transfer to the private sector, or has already been successfully transferred to the private sector, therefore, it is expected that an invention disclosure has been filed regarding the technology or that a patent for the technology has been filed/granted. Individuals who have been granted plant variety protection may also be considered for this


All faculty.


The Office of Research, Economic Development and Graduate Education

Award Amount


Selection Criteria

  1. Technological/scientific contribution that has the potential for transfer to the private sector or has already been successfully transferred to the private sector.
  2. An invention disclosure or patent that has been filed/granted.

Nomination Materials Required

  1. A nomination letter that clearly articulates the reasons the nominee should be recognized, including the importance of the technological/scientific advance(s) contributed by the nominee.
  2. Two letters of support accompanying the letter of nomination. Support letters must describe the nature of the technological/scientific accomplishment(s), assess the originality of the contribution, and evaluate the realized or potential impact of the technology. It is strongly recommended that at least one of these letters of support be an external assessment of the technological/scientific advances(s) under consideration.
  3. A current curriculum vitae of the nominee.


Mai Allen, Office of Research and Economic Development Office, 994-2891,