
The award is designed to honor faculty who have incorporated outstanding innovative teaching practices into their classes at Montana State University.


To be eligible, individuals must be current tenure track or non-tenure track faculty who have completed a minimum of three years of teaching at MSU- Bozeman. Not eligible are current members of the selection committee and previous winners of the award. This will be an individual award given to one person.


Office of Academic Affairs

Award Amount


Selection Criteria

• Evidence of innovative and/or novel teaching practices that have been incorporated within the past three years.

• Relative comprehensiveness of scope: The innovation must have involved changes in the way a subject is taught.

• Measurable impact on teaching effectiveness, student success and/or retention.

• Potential or realized widespread use within or across disciplines.

• Innovative practices will be expected to be grounded in best practices of the college and university teaching professionand/or the particular discipline.

Nomination Materials

Students, faculty, administrators,and others who are knowledgeable about the individual’s teaching innovation are invited to submit nominations online. Please provide the nominee’s name, department, and a brief statement as to why you feel your nominee should receive this award. Comments will be shared with the nominees. Students are especially encouraged to submit nominations. Each individual may nominate one faculty only. Individuals who are nominated for the award will be contacted later for more information.


Michael Babcock, Center for Faculty Excellence, or 994-5175