
The Excellence in Innovative Service Award is presented to an individual who demonstrates tangible innovation, positive and broad impact on student experience, embodies the mission of MSU/MAES/MES, and leadership distinguished by role modeling in a staff capacity.


In order to qualify for the award, a nomine must hold a staff position with the university system, the Agricultural Experiment Station, or Extension Service.


President’s Office

Award Amount


Selection Criteria

Innovation: How has the awardee furthered current practice, discovered, and/or implemented new procedures? What is significant about the activity of the award winner? With regards to the innovation piece, how has the awardee used sustainability, impact, distinction and alignment with the university mission? Each piece of sustainability, impact, distinction and alignment will be awarded point values as follows:

Sustainability: How broadly might the innovation(s) of the nominee be implemented? What efficiencies were gained through the work of the awardee?

Impact: How has the awardee improved the lives of students in the university community? How far does the influence of the award spread? How has the award winner engaged across the university system and the state of Montana?

Distinction: How has the nominee gone “above and beyond” expectations and objectives within their job description? How does the awardee take initiative, distinguish themselves, and/or otherwise excel amidst their

Alignment: How does the activity of the award nominee embody the mission of MSU/MAES/MES? How does the work of the award winner reflect the values and prioritize the goals articulated in the MSU strategic plan, “Learners and Leaders?”


Beverly Garrison, or 994-6501