
Phi Kappa Phi, is an Honor Society that recognizes and promotes academic excellence in all fields of higher education. The award is given by the honor society to a faculty member whose accomplishments with students reach beyond the classroom and the library.


All faculty.


Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society

Award Amount


Nomination Materials Required

For the Anna K. Fridley award, the nomination letter (from a colleague, supervisor or student), will be forwarded to the nominee’s immediate supervisor, who will notify the nominees of their nomination.

 The supervisor will direct the nominee to send Phi Kappa Phi the following: 

  1. Their nomination letter
  2. An updated curriculum vitae
  3. A letter of support from a colleague
  4. A letter from the nominee (not to exceed 750 words) detailing their teaching philosophy and teaching accomplishments in the classroom, laboratory or studio. 
  5. The  nominee is responsible for requesting a minimum of  two letters of support from students, to be sent directly to Phi Kappa Phi. 

 All materials must be submitted in hard copy (with letters of support in sealed and signed envelopes) or in PDF format via e-mail, by the posted deadline.


Natalie McKay,