
The purpose of this award is to recognize individuals who have provided outstanding teaching, course development, mentoring of students, and scholarship to online education. This award acknowledges those who have made significant contributions to credit or noncredit programs through inspirational online teaching.


All tenure track and non-tenure track faculty who have taught a fully- online course.  Faculty who have previously received the award are not eligible.


MSU Office of the Provost




Outstanding teaching and mentoring of students that promotes and supports student learning in a course that is delivered fully online.

  • Innovative online curriculum development and/or innovative approach to online course delivery that enhances student engagement.
  • Exemplary contributions to the practice of online instruction and the teaching profession.
  • Demonstrated evidence of research-based, online teaching best practices, including those that maximize instructor presence, facilitate online learning, and build online community through student-to-student interaction.
  • Effective and innovative use of technologies beyond the learning management system (Brightspace), to support and advance online learning.

NominationMaterials Required

Students, faculty, and administrators are encouraged to submit nominations. Please provide a brief statement as to why you feel your nominee should receive this award. Your comments may be shared with the nominee and the selection committee will ask the nominee for additional information.

The nomination statement may include information such as:

  • Why you feel this individual is deserving of this award.
  • Name of online course(s) taught by the individual.
  • Effectiveness of faculty in teaching and mentoring students in an online environment.
  • Specific example of why this individual is an exemplary online instructor.
  • Information about why this online course or program is valuable and meets a unique need or serves a unique audience.
  • Any evidence of outstanding commitment and contribution to MSU Online.
  • Scholarship or contributions to the institution, the practice of online education, and/or the teaching profession.
  • Use of unique teaching methodology and/or tools in the online environment.


Each nominated instructor will be informed of their nomination and will be asked to submit specific application materials. Nominees who choose to accept the nomination will be required to provide the selection committee with the following:

  • Letters of support from one former student (optional), one faculty peer experienced in online teaching, and the immediate department or college administrator.
  • A written statement addressing specific criteria describing your involvement and commitment to online teaching and learning.



Lisa Brown, 994-9123