1. Open https://www.digitalmeasures.com/login/montana/faculty in (almost) any browser (Firefox, Edge, Chrome – the more up-to-date your browser version, the less chance you will experience odd functionality). Be aware that effective January 1, 2020, Watermark Faculty Success will no longer support Internet Explorer 11. There have also been some performance issues experienced by Safari users.
  2. Log on using your NetID and password
    1. Your NetID is a seven place alpha-numeric with a standard format consisting of: letter, number, number, letter, number, number, number (g. a12b345).
    2. If you do not know your NetID, you can find it and change the password at http://password.montana.edu. You will need to know your GID and MyInfo PIN to proceed.
  3. Top Navigation Bar Top Navigation Bar
    1. Activities (data in) is where you will enter, edit, review, and curate your activities. When you log in, you are taken to the Activities screen by default.
    2. CV Imports (alternate data input) is a utility that faculty can use to expedite the data entry process by "directing" data elements from their curriculum vitae into the appropriate fields in Activity Insight/Faculty Success. A Watermark produced video walking users through the process is available here.
    3. Reports (data out) is where you can run the following reports:
      1. Data Quality Issues
      2. Governor's Tribal Relations Report
      3. Graduate Committees
      4. MSU Generic Annual Review – Faculty Data
      5. NIH Biographical Sketch
      6. NSF Biographical Sketch
      7. NSF Collaborators & Other Affiliations Information
      8. NSF Current & Pending Support
      9. Research Productivity Report
      10. Student Engagement Report
      11. Vita
      12. any other college/department-specific reports your dean, department head or director asked us to create for your use.
      13. These reports can usually be run as Word documents, html, .csv, and other formats (as may be appropriate to the data).
    4. Workflow is a data processing application within Activity Insight/Faculty Success. Currently it is used to manage the Faculty Annual Review process, but there is intent to expand its use to facilitate the Retention, Tenure & Promotion (RTP) process.
    5. Help Help icon - sends a help request to MSU personnel. We strive to respond within, before, or by the next business day after the request is submitted. Keep in mind that Activity insight help e-mails to MSU personnel are only monitored during regular MSU work days.
    6. Notifications Notification icon - from Watermark Faculty Success; regarding scheduled maintenance, etc.
    7. Log Out Log out icon - Self explanatory.
    8. Watermark Faculty Success Faculty/Staff Guide DM Fac-Staff Guide - The “Review a guide” link will take you to a Watermark Faculty Success website with additional overview information.
  4. ActivitiesActivities Screen
    1. This is the default screen when you log in.
    2. There are four Sections within the Main Menu: 1) General Information, 2) Teaching, 3) Research, Creativity & Technology Transfer, and 4) Engagement, Outreach, and Service.
    3. We have pre-loaded as much data as we can from other existing MSU databases. Most pre-loaded data will not be editable. If you see omissions or errors with those items, please refer to the text at the top of the summary screen, record screen, or FAQ (https://www.montana.edu/provost/faculty/activityinsight/AI_FAQ.html) for instructions on who to contact to make additions, deletions, or corrections.
    4. Screens and individual data elements within screens are customized by college, therefor you may see some items that do not apply to you individually or as a department. If this is the case, you may skip those screens or questions.
    5. What to enter
      1. One of the principal (but by no means only) uses of the data in Activity Insight/Faculty Success is to support your annual performance evaluation. If you want your department head/chair/campus director, school director, or dean to consider an activity in your review, you should include it in your Activity Insight profile.
      2. Some data elements will be used by your department or college for professional accreditation and various other reporting purposes. The more data you provide up front in AI/FS, the fewer requests you should receive to submit supplemental data (e.g. cv’s, lists of articles published, etc.)
      3. Some other data elements are used for university-wide reporting (e.g. our regional accreditation process, Strategic Plan metrics, research productivity reports). We ask you to complete as many items as you are able for use in university-wide reports. Use your best judgment.
      4. If you don’t know where to put an activity, please ask your department head/chair/campus director where she or he would look for the information, or use the conventions of your discipline to guide you. In most cases, the drop-down menus will guide where an activity goes. If that does not help, send us your question using the Help link in the top ribbon menu. Don’t hesitate to ask – your question might spur a change in the screens or the documentation.
      5. Please remember that the quality and completeness of reports run (by you, your department, college, or the university) is a direct function of the quality and completeness of the data that you enter in your profile. To assist you in identifying common data problems we have developed the “Data Quality Issues” report in the Reports section. If you run this report, it will identify potential data quality issues that may reduce the quality of reporting at all levels.
    6. How to enter/correct data
      1. There are lots of data elements, we know. The more the information is parsed going in, the more useful it is coming out. For instance, slicing citation information into small bits allows for you or your department head to create a cv, an NSF or NIH biographical sketch, research productivity report, or other reports based on any style manual required with little or no editing.
      2. Date ranges drive most reports, so please enter at least the year for each activity (on most screens you will be prompted to do this before you can save new or modified records).
        1. If you can’t remember the exact date(s) of an activity, do not obsess over it or spend significant time trying to track it down. The year of the activity is of primary importance. If you remember the month, please add that from the drop down too.
        2. Ongoing activities should include a start date with no end date.
        3. One day activities should include an end date with no start date.
      3. There are six methods that can be used to get citation information into the Publications/Intellectual Contributions screen.Publication Screen
        1. New faculty generally get a one-time courtesy load of publications found through Google Scholar (if you are “John Smith” or there are other authors with your same name, this may not happen). If you have citation data in your AI profile that came in from this one-time load, please review it to make sure the citation is in fact yours, the data is complete, and it is in the correct fields. Also make sure that dates are correct.
        2. You can wait for an MSU coauthor to enter the citation! Activity Insight/Faculty Success is a relational database. If multiple MSU Activity Insight/Faculty Success users authored an article, there will (should) be only one record of the citation data in AI/FS, but it will be associated with all of the authors. The first author to enter a citation will create the citation record for the other MSU AI/FS authors. If you see a record in your list of Publications/Intellectual Contributions that says, “Entered By: Faculty Name”, then a coauthor has already created the record. Please do not create a duplicate record. If any of the information entered by your coauthor is incorrect, please work with that individual to correct it. Know that while you can edit any field in a publication record created by a co-author, you cannot delete the record. Only the record owner (person who created it) can delete the record. Generally speaking, we subscribe to the idea that the first (or closest to the first) author should be the record owner.Shared Intellectual Contribution
        3. You can import a BibTeX file. There is a good chance that citations of your publications are already stored in, or can be compiled by another software system such as a reference manager or database — for example, EndNote, Google Scholar, Mendeley, RefWorks, Scopus, Web of Science or Zotero. Those software systems enable you to pick records and then export them into a BibTeX file. Activity Insight/Faculty Success allows you to upload that BibTeX file so that you do not need to rekey those citations. You will find details on how to export publication information from other software systems into a BibTeX file at https://www.digitalmeasures.com/activity-insight/docs/bibtex.html.
          1. This is way quicker and easier that you think!
          2. Most faculty have used “Import from a BibTeX file” (after clicking the Import button at the top of the Publications/Intellectual Contributions screen) to import a citation file they created from Google Scholar.
        4. Activity Insight/Faculty Success also has direct integrations with Crossref, Web of Science, PubMed, and ORCID if you chose the “Import from a Third Party” option (after clicking the Import button at the top of the Publications/Intellectual Contributions screen).Import Publication
        5. You can use the PasteBoard feature to drag and drop within AI rather than switching between your cv and AI. Clicking on the PasteBoard button in the upper, right hand corner of the browser window will open a window/tool (in the lower right hand corner of your window) that will allow you to copy and paste text from another application (MS Word, etc.). You can then drag and drop elements from the PasteBoard into various data fields.PasteBoard
        6. Finally, you can enter citation data by typing it in (not recommended unless you have exhausted all other options above).
      4. Grants and Contracts that have been applied for through the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) electronic Proposal Clearance Form are populated directly from Banner every evening. As with Intellectual Contributions, those with multiple PIs or Co-PIs, have one record shared across multiple MSU faculty. Please note that all PIs or Co-PIs associated with a record will be able to see and edit the data elements that are not locked.
        1. If you are not identified in Banner as being a PI or Co-PI on the grant, it will not show up in your Grants & Sponsored Research, Contracts, Fellowships list of activities.
        2. If you believe that a grant should be on your list, and it is not, you will need to contact the grant Fiscal Manager in OSP to have them add you to the grant in Banner (if appropriate), then it will feed/refresh in AI that evening.
      5. Where data are pre-populated from university sources, corrections may only be made in the source data (with a few exceptions), not directly by the user in Activity Insight. The reason for this is that we want to be able to fix the underlying data if it is incorrect. If users were able to correct the data in Activity Insight, the incorrect data would still exist in Banner, or whatever other data source the data may have come from. To make corrections to the following “preloaded” data:
        1. Personal and Contact Information - Race and Ethnicity - Go to MyInfo, Enter Secure Area, Login, Personal Information, Update Ethnicity and Race. Once changed in MyInfo, please e-mail facultysuccess@montana.edu with notification of the change.
        2. Personal and Contact Information - E-mail address - Go to MyInfo, Enter Secure Area, Login, Personal Information, Update E-mail Addresses. Once changed in MyInfo, please e-mail facultysuccess@montana.edu with notification of the change. Keep in mind that the address we populate in your Activity Insight profile will be the one that will be displayed in your Departmental Web Directory and your Faculty Web Profile.
        3. Permanent Data & Yearly Data - Rank, tenure, FTE, or other job/position appointment information - Contact Human Resources (msuhumanresources@montana.edu) and cc: facultysuccess@montana.edu.
        4. Workload Distribution – This information is not available at the university level (after the initial Letter of Hire year). According to the Faculty Manual annual workload distribution is determined annually between the faculty member and department head/chair/campus director/school director based on the interest of the faculty member and needs of the department. Contact your department’s administrative associate or department head/chair/campus director/school director if the information is not available, or incorrect on this screen.
        5. Education – If your educational history is incorrect or incomplete, please visit, fill out, and submit the Degree History Form (montana.edu/hr/degree_history/[BROKEN LINK]).
        6. Scheduled Teaching - Course information – Please contact the Registrar’s Office (registrar@montana.edu) and cc: facultysuccess@montana.edu. The Registrar’s Office will need the last four digits of your GID, the course rubric and number, semester it was taught, and CRN. Once the changes are made in Banner, we will provide you with a template to complete so we can upload the data.
        7. Scheduled Teaching - Course evaluation information – This data does not currently get populated in Activity Insight on your behalf. You can export the course evaluation summary as a PDF document from Campus Labs/IDEA and then upload it to the “Additional File” field at the bottom of the course record.
        8. Academic Advising – The number of undergraduate students advised is pulled from Banner towards the end of the pre-registration period during the fall and spring semesters. If the number does not match what you think it should be, please ask your departmental administrative staff to make sure that students are accurately assigned to you as their advisor in Banner (this is a departmental responsibility).
        9. Graduate Committees, Dissertations, and Theses – This data elements that are prepopulated on this screen are imported from Banner on a weekly basis and are entered by the Graduate School based on the information submitted by the student on the Graduate Program of Study and Committee Form. Contact Laura Collins (lcollins@montana.edu) in the Graduate School to address any incorrect information. Until the form is submitted and processed, the faculty will not have a record of the graduate student on this screen.
        10. Grants & Sponsored Research, Contracts, Fellowships – This data feeds directly from banner every evening and is initiated by the submission of the electronic Proposal Clearance Form (PCF). If a grant does not show up in your profile after the PCF is submitted, or a grant is listed in your profile that should not be associated with you, please contact the grant Fiscal manager in the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP).
  5. ReportsReport Screen
    1. The Reports link is where you will find your annual review reporting capability. You can also create a cv, NSF or NIH Biographical Sketch, a data quality report, list of graduate students, and potentially other reports depending on what College you are in and your security role.
    2. After selecting the report you would like to run, a contextually based list of steps will be displayed. Simply follow the number/steps (1 – x) and select the appropriate options.Report Setup
    3. Most reports are date defined. In other words, the person running the report defines the time frame for the data elements being pulled into the report. If you run a report and see undated items in the output, please go back to the record (or if it is someone else’s record, ask them to) and add a date to it.
    4. Department heads, directors, and deans can run reports on the faculty activity within their departments, schools, or colleges.
    5. You can generally export reports as MS Word, pdf, html, and/or .csv/Excel files. They are editable in related software package.
  6. Help
    1. Visit the Activity Insight Faculty/Staff Guide: https://www.digitalmeasures.com/activity-insight/docs/guide.html.
    2. Click on gray question marks next to individual data fields for definitions.
    3. Click on the Get Help icon (Help Icon) in the top tool ribbon.