MTP2 - Montana Pollution Prevention “Empowering businesses to be part of the solution, not the pollution.”

MTP2 - Montana Pollution Prevention Program
“Empowering businesses to be part of the solution, not the pollution.”


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·        MTP2 Intern Program Overview

Each year, the MTP2 intern program hires and places highly qualified students with businesses across Montana to develop industry-tailored solutions for energy, water and waste challenges for food and beverage manufacturing businesses. This page provides more information about eligibility, the hiring process, training and orientation, technical assistance, and guidance for the final projects and case studies. If interested in this program, please view our links to past internships for additional insight to the program. 

·        MTP2 Eligibility Requirements

The MTP2 intern program is limited to junior, senior, or graduate level students with good oral and written communication skills and ability to work independently. A technical academic background may be required, but requirements will vary from project to project. Troubleshooting and leadership skills are required. Although not required, MTP2 encourages students to seek academic credit for this internship. MTP2 does not pay tuition or fees for academic credit; however, we can assist with the process. 

Students may be enrolled at any accredited university to apply.

·        MTP2 Hiring Process

*Applications for the internship will be accepted from December 1st until all project spots are filled.*

When developing the intern program each year, MTP2 solicits Montana businesses to host interns. This process takes place from October to March. From January-April, students apply to the program with recommendations from their academic advisor. Typical majors of past MTP2 interns are Chemical/Mechanical/Environmental Engineering, Sustainable Food and Bioenergy Systems and Environmental Science/Studies to name a few. Once the businesses have been confirmed, applications are evaluated to determine which students are the best fit for each project. From there, students are interviewed and offers made to those who are the best match for each project. Candidate interviews will be scheduled with MTP2 faculty and academic advisors. Once an offer is made, the student will have two weeks to commit to the 11-week internship; which includes the following timeline.

  • Week 1: Training/Orientation, Monday June 3rd through Friday, June 7th, 2024 @ MSU
  • Week 2 through 10: Monday, June 10th through Friday, August 9th, 2024 (35 hrs/wk) @ the business
  • Week 11: Final Presentation with one day of onsite presentations (Wednesday, August 14th, 2024) @ MSU

The MTP2 training and orientation is designed to teach interns about pollution prevention, to work with businesses to assess their production capabilities and receive the tools necessary to apply their knowledge to individual internships.

·        Technical Guidance

The intern and their business are supported by a technical advisor from the Montana Manufacturing Extension Center (MMEC). Additionally, the business provides an onsite advisor for the intern. The MMEC advisor guides the intern by assisting in the initial Value Stream Mapping process, discussing reduction ideas, offering resource leads,  and coaching on how to gather the necessary data to evaluate the business and present findings. It is the interns responsibility to keep the project on track. MTP2 or the student’s academic advisor will review progress bi-weekly.

·        Deliverables

Interns must prepare a written case study of their findings as well as a final oral presentation. These reports outline the intern’s recommendations for the business, provide a cost analysis of the potential savings, and provide next steps for the business to pursue the proposed solutions. The intern will present their findings in a detailed presentation to the business before leaving and to the MTP2 faculty, advisors, and intern peers during the final week of the internship. The final presentation may be shared with future interested MTP2 candidates. Additionally, interns may be asked to share short presentations during future intern trainings.

·        Confidentiality

MTP2 fully respects a business’s need to protect its sensitive, proprietary, and confidential information. We work with the intern to ensure adherence to our Confidentiality Statement and address any concerns regarding confidentiality.


2022 intern, Elissa Ikola, working with Native Fish Keepers, Inc. (Left), and 2021 intern, Edwin Allan, working with Pasta Montana.

2022 intern, Elissa Ikola, working with Native Fish Keepers, Inc. (Left),
and 2021 intern, Edwin Allan, working with Pasta Montana (Right).

Learn More about MTP2's Internship Program:

If you are interested in applying or have more questions, please contact:


“Empowering businesses to be part of the solution, not the pollution”


Jenny Grossenbacher, Director
(406) 994-4292

Barbara Watson, Program Coordinator
(406) 994-7517

Montana State University
Education, Health & Human Development
304 Taylor Hall, Bozeman, MT 59717