Use Less

  • Print double-sided copies to reduce paper consumption
  • Check to see what supplies are left before ordering new
  • Order/print only what you need
  • Incorporate the concept of "Zero-Waste" lunches

Use More than Once

  • Use paper with the highest percentage of postconsumer waste
  • Reuse paper if only printed on one side
  • Reuse cardboard boxes for storage or packaging outgoing materials
  • Organize a giant garage sale or exchange as a fundraiser (sports equipment, clothes, etc.)
  • Send used books to a local charity or social service agency


  • Set up recycle bins/boxes for paper next to copy machines, and in classrooms
  • Recycle electronics and toner cartridges - check with your local and state government for recycler lists and E-waste collection days


Created by Montana State University Extension Housing and Environmental Health Program

Contact Myla Kelly at 406-994-6948 or

Download a printable poster (.pdf)