
  • Doors should have operable locks (Rooms should be kept locked during unoccupied periods).
  • The environment should be free of obstructions that inhibit or restrict routine maintenance or cleaning.
  • The environment should be free of signs of moisture problems, mold or water damage.


  • Exhaust systems (dust collection, paint booths, fume hoods) should be installed at all airborne contaminant sources
  • Exhaust fans should be operable.
  • Exhaust systems should be on during activity periods where airborne contaminants are generated and during use of hazardous chemicals.


  • Personal protective equipment should be accessible and in use when appropriate.
  • All machines should be appropriately guarded.
  • Equipment danger zones should be clearly marked.
  • Hazardous chemicals should be labeled and stored in locked cabinets.
  • Fire extinguishers should be present and in working order.
  • All exits should be properly marked.
  • Waste should be stored in appropriate containers.
  • All exits should be free of obstructions that inhibit emergency egress from the building.
  • Paints, glazes, or other finishes should not contain lead, cadmium, or other heavy metals.


  • All fixtures should be in good repair and operating properly
  • Hot water should not exceed 120 degrees (F).
  • Soap, disposable hand towels or air driers should be present.
  • Drains should be unclogged.


  • Chemical Inventory List and disposal log should be on hand and updated yearly.


Created by MSU Extension Housing and Environmental Health Program

Contact Myla Kelly at 406-994-6948 or

Download a printable checklist (.pdf)