Physical Plant
October 2024
Effective Date
October 2, 2024
Review Date
October 2027
Bozeman campus faculty, staff, students and volunteers of Montana State University (MSU) including Extension, Agricultural Experiment Stations, and Gallatin College.
Responsible Party
University Facilities Management / Administration & Finance



Table of Contents

100.00 Introduction

200.00 Policy

300.00 Definitions

400.00 Centralized Vehicle Maintenance

500.00 MSU Unit Vehicle Responsibilities

600.00 Leasing and Purchasing Vehicles

700.00 Safe Driver Training

800.00 Noncompliance


100.00 Introduction

To gain more visibility on the growing number of State-Owned Vehicles (SOVs), this policy establishes requirements for regular and centralized maintenance, where that data will be housed, purchase requirements, safe driver training, and other responsibilities of the Departments and University Facilities Management (UFM) regarding these requirements.

200.00 Policy

This policy establishes the requirement for safe driver training, purchase requirements and centralized maintenance of all vehicles operated by MSU Bozeman departments, units, and auxiliary services and creates a centralized vehicle maintenance program run by University Facilities Management (UFM.)

210.00 Applicable Law, Regulation, and Policy

In addition to this Policy, MSU employees’ ethical conduct in this area is governed by:

The State Policy includes further definitions, authorized drivers and uses, and driver requirements. The BOR policy provides further specific rules regarding driver behavior, vehicle operation, limit on driving time and speed, and driver training for vehicles above and below 7 occupants.

300.00 Definitions

State-Owned Vehicle (SOV)

Any motor vehicle, regardless of size, type, or use, that is titled or registered in the name of the State of Montana, in use at MSU and can be driven legally on public roadways.

Leased Vehicle

Any motor vehicle, regardless of size, type, or use, that is leased through a third-party to MSU and can be driven legally on public roadways.

Courtesy Vehicle

Any motor vehicle, regardless of size, type, or use, that is provided to MSU or its affiliates at no charge to MSU and can be driven legally on public roadways.

Off-Road Vehicle

Any vehicle or motorized equipment (e.g. tractor, farm equipment, atv/four-wheeler, side-by-side, snowmobile, lawnmower, etc.) that is not operated on a public roadway and remains predominately on MSU-owned property; this does not include a motorcycle.

MSU Units

All departments, units, research enterprises, athletics, student and sport clubs, affiliates, and auxiliary services at the Bozeman campus including Gallatin College and all Montana Agricultural Experiment Stations across the state.

Maintenance Provider

A mechanic approved by University Facilities Management that services vehicles on behalf of MSU; this includes MSU mechanics, MAES staff, third-party certified mechanics, leasing vendors and/or courtesy car providers.

400.00 Centralized Vehicle Maintenance

University Facilities Management (UFM) will develop and maintain a comprehensive preventive maintenance program for all SOVs. This differs from performing actual required maintenance.

All SOVs must be enrolled in the UFM’s preventive maintenance program through its integrated work-management system (AiM).

UFM will coordinate with all MSU departments to establish and update maintenance records on all SOVs in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.

UFM will maintain service records for all SOVs, Leased and Courtesy vehicles; however, SOVs not currently enrolled in on-campus maintenance may be serviced by a certified, third-party mechanic approved by UFM.

UFM will coordinate with all MSU units to assist with scheduled maintenance reminders.

Leased and Courtesy vehicles shall be subject to their prescribed service provider maintenance program; however, these records shall be sent to UFM and tracked through the IWMS for compliance.

500.00 MSU Unit Vehicle Responsibilities

All MSU units are responsible for reporting any mechanical problems or needed repairs to the appropriate maintenance providers as soon as possible.

Units are responsible for coordinating their respective vehicle maintenance (SOV, Lease or Courtesy) with a certified mechanic and/or third-party vehicle maintenance business approved by University Facilities Management.

Departments must submit maintenance records to UFM’s centralized vehicle maintenance program (AiM) upon completion of each maintenance service.

Departments are responsible for operating all vehicles in accordance with this policy and all applicable BOR policies and state/federal laws and regulations.

Departments must ensure that all vehicle operators are properly trained and licensed to operate the assigned vehicle including Leased and Courtesy vehicles.

Departments are responsible for completing a post-trip inspection after each use of an SOV and reporting any identified issues to UFM.

600.00 Leasing and Purchasing Vehicles

Leasing vehicles will be the preferred option for all new vehicle acquisitions. Purchase options may be allowed on a case-by-case basis pending approval of a Vice President and/or Provost.

All leases must have a Dean or Vice President approval. Off-road vehicles or trailers are exempt from this requirement but shall follow all other MSU procurement policies.

Upon completion of the lease or purchase, the vehicle must be submitted to UFM for inclusion in Facilities Management’s preventative maintenance program and the University’s insurance provider.

700.00 Safe Driver Training

Persons operating any MSU vehicle shall have a valid driver’s license. Persons operating a sport-utility vehicle, passenger van or truck should complete a safe-driver training course, especially if such persons will be regularly operating those vehicles for field research, in snow or on unpaved roads.

MSU’s Safety and Risk Management department coordinates annual defensive and safe-driver training courses through the State of Montana including defensive driving, preventing distracted driving and driver safety for campuses.

800.00 Noncompliance

Noncompliance with this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including the suspension or revocation of driving privileges for all vehicles (including MSU rental privileges through the University’s contracted rental agency) or termination of employment.