Members Present:
Members Present:
Others Present:

Eric Austin

Megan Lasso for Terry Leist

Becca Belou
Jason Clark
Rob Maher
Miranda Bly
Tracy Dougher
JoDee Palin
Michael Brody
David Eitle
Logan Schultz
Ariel Donahue
Chris Fastnow
Colin Shaw
Ian Godwin
Ann Galloway
Rebecca Koltz for Christine Stanton
Craig Ogilvie
Stephanie Gray
Michael Trotter


  1. Welcome and announcements
  2. Approval of minutes from 10/30 - approved
  3. Discussion
    1. University Council reports – Fastnow and Godwin

1. Goal 1.1 Broaden access for underrepresented populations and increase academic success for all students through excellence in education. Objective is to raise representation by 2%. Chris showed Goal 1.1 metrics that start with the baseline AY 2018/Fall 2017 and go through AY 2020/Fall 2019. Council members had suggestions to refine some metrics, for better info if not changing the SP measures themselves.

2. Goal 2.2 Expand interdisciplinary scholarship. Ian showed Goal 2.2 metrics as a Tableau visualization. The trends have been going in the right direction for the Plan’s goal since 2016, but we have a ways to go.

3. Goal 2.4 will be the next goal presented to University Council in December.

4. Fall Institutional Report: This report describes how many people work at MSU by broad employee type, how many students study by level, student outcome measures, and expenditures by broad category.  Council members looked at trends over last 11 years. Council will look at student:faculty ratios at the next meeting.

B. Planning alignment template submission review – Belou

1. Every goal is covered, though there is uneven attention. The template compilation will be shared with the Council. 

2. Homework:  Please review your own units and also look for opportunities to collaborate where there are similar unit goals and strategies. 

IV. Other business – none

Next meeting:  January 22, 1-3 pm, PCR


Download a PDF copy of these minutes.