Table Caption
Members Present
Members Present
Others Present

Dean Adams

Terry Leist

Kathy Attebury
Walt Banziger
Sara Mannheimer
Rebecca Belou
Chris Fastnow
Brendan Mumey
Tami Eitle
Stephanie Gray
Abigail Richards
Ian Godwin
Bridget Kevane
Christine Stanton
Shawn Hudson
Myleen Leary
Kim Obbink


I.  Welcome and announcements

A.  Budget meetings – Strategic investments have to tie into Planning Council recommended priorities for FY19.

B.  Doctoral program prioritization charrettes are on-going for campus input

II.  Approval of Minutes from 1/24/18 - Approved

III.  Discussion

A.  Engagement Goal Progress Report (see Goal Updates on website)

1.  Chris presented the Engagement objectives and metrics for Council review. Recurring theme is insufficient evidence or incomplete measures on activity related to students and staff.

2.  Kim Obbink spoke about seed grants from the Outreach & Engagement Council that are meant to spur outreach and engagement among students and staff and an poster session that featured presentations from the grant recipients.

3.  The Carnegie Community Engagement application is due in one year. They have a new component asking how we systematically track and assess outcomes and impact – examples of what we currently do includes Activity Insight, College and Departmental Accreditation Documents, Broader Impact statements from grant proposals. The conversation about co-curricular transcripts is on-going. Send additional ideas to Kim Obbink.

B.  Stewardship Goal Progress Report (see Goal Updates on website). Chris presented the Stewardship objectives and metrics.  Overall, MSU is making progress in this goal area.

C.  Strategic Planning Update and Input

1.  Planning Council members provided input on the draft Mission, Vision, and Values.

D.  SP Objective Prioritization Process for FY20

1.  The current plan will expire during FY20. Chris recommended that Council go through the prioritization exercise, though we may or may not make priority recommendations this year.  The discussion informs the new strategic plan as well.

2.  Document review – In Box

3.  Council reviewed the Accreditation report in depth, focusing on commendations, concerns, and recommendations

4.  Additional information needs and schedule: March meeting will feature presentations on Access 2, Learning 2, and Integration 2. April meeting will be first attempt to choose priority objectives.

IV.  Other Business - none

Next Meeting: March 21, 2018 1:00-3:00 pm PCR


Download a PDF copy of these minutes.