 Members Present:
Members Present:
Others Present:

Chris Fastnow

Sara Mannheimer

Michael Babcock
Keely Holmes
Brendan Mumey
Becca Belou
Bridget Kevane
Abigail Richards
Tami Eitle
Myleen Leary
Nora Smith (for CAA)
Ian Godwin
Terry Leist
Christine Stanton
Karlene Hoo
John How


I.  Welcome and announcements

II.  Approval of 8/30 minutes – approved

III.  Discussion

A.  Update on FY18 and FY19 priority objective D.3 – Dean Karlene Hoo

1.  Dr. Hoo updated the Council on the findings and recommendations of the Graduate Task Force that was convened in Spring 2016. The priority recommendations are mostly around recruitment and admissions.

2.  For FY18, the Graduate School received over $600,000 in investments for these priorities, including signing bonuses for doctoral students, student travel, STEM recruitment, GTA lines, etc. An additional $600,000+ was invested in colleges and departments.

3.  Slides will be attached to minutes.

B.  Space Management Policy – John How

1.  Space Management is providing stewardship of campus spaces, working to create a culture change to break silos with university space.

2.  There is a new policy is available online:

a.  Goals are to create transparency and establish fairness

b.  Comments (due 10/13) can go to John at

C.  Strategic Planning – Chris Fastnow

1.  Strategic Planning Committee (SPC)

a.  An 8-member committee was selected, will begin meeting in October

2.  PC Meeting with Springboard International (SBI) on 10/30

a.  On campus 10/30 and 10/31

b.  Planning Council to meet at 1:00 on 10/30

D.  Accreditation – Tami Eitle

1.  Accreditation visit will be 10/16-10/18

2.  Tami shared the report, with special emphasis on Standard 3A: Institutional Planning, which emphasizes the strategic planning process and the shepherding of the plan.

3.  She expects for the group to be asked how we get information from constituencies, how the prioritization process works, and about the core theme planning for each strategic goal

E.  Goal Update – Ian Godwin

1.  Ian shared the Access goal update

IV.  Other Business

Next Meeting: October 30, 1-2 pm, PCR


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