 Members Present:
Members Present:
Others Present:

Chris Fastnow

Keely Holmes

Becca Belou
Bob Mokwa
Bridget Kevane
Jeffrey Conger
Terry Leist
Myleen Leary
Ian Godwin
Wade Hill
Ilse-Mari Lee
Ron Larsen
Sara Mannheimer


  1. Welcome and announcements
    1. New and returning members introduced themselves
  2. Schedule for 2016-17
    1. We will continue to meet fourth Wednesdays from 1-3 (1-2 on some occasions with notice) to avoid Faculty Senate conflicts. Those who are teaching during the current meeting time can come when they are able or for the occasional rescheduled meetings
  3. Priority objectives recommendation update, summer progress/changes
    1. The leadership team, with the Commissioner of Higher Education present, reviewed and endorsed the priority objectives that PC recommended at the end of last academic year.
    2. The priority objectives have been presented to University Council and Deans and Department Heads. They will be posted to the PC website.
    3. At the end of the Spring term, Chris Fastnow presented an overall review of progress on the plan to University Council. We are making progress with improvement over last year on most of the SP metrics.
  4. Work plan for the coming year
    1. As we are halfway through the SP timeframe, we need to start thinking about the next plan.
      1. Use 2016-17 for pre-planning – what process, participants, framework will we propose to conduct the next strategic planning exercise?
      2. Use 2017-18 to plan and discuss widely
      3. Use 2018-19 to adopt and disseminate and get going – aligns with accreditation cycle fairly well. consider setting targets for NWCCU cycle
    2. Also continue to assess progress in Fall and prioritize in Spring as we have done last two years
    3. Regular reporting on progress throughout the year
      1. Can we make those reports more widely available, communicated to more audiences?
    4. Other ideas/topics to discuss during the coming year:
      1. Align space planning; take advantage of new space management function and get Space Management Committee more involved with Strategic Plan; have a rep on PC
      2. Work on the Campus Master Plan
      3. Build on college strategic plans to develop campus level vision
      4. SWOT analysis, especially looking at external expectations that may be new since 2012 plan was adopted
      5. Consider external impacts of MSU – e.g. impact on City of Bozeman, Yellowstone interface, workforce development, economic impact
  5. Other Business - none

Meeting adjourned

Next Meeting: Wednesday, September 28, 1-3 pm in PCR


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