person at autoclave

Autoclaves are used to sterilize equipment, reagents, and hazardous waste in laboratories. Most labs are equipped with large autoclaves, which are often over-sized for the needs of the lab (or the building).

Autoclaves are large energy and water consumers (60-90 gallons of water per load).

Autoclaves and sterilizers are a necessity in the lave, but there are some smart and not-so-smart was of using them. For example:

  • Consolidate loads. Be sure to run your autoclave or dishwasher only when the unit is full.
  • You can also consider right-sizing your unit to fit the needs of your lab space better. Large steam-jacketed autoclaves use much more energy and water than a front-loading non-steam-jacketed autoclave.
  • Consider energy- and water-efficiency when purchasing autoclaves. 
  • Install water-saving devices on existing autoclaves, when possible