1. Faculty or staff retiring notifies their Campus Director via a letter and copies the Director of Administration and Finance and the Dean.

  2. Director of Administration and Finance pulls the necessary information such as total years of service, and position held from the Banner system.

  3. Director of Administration and Finance shares this information with the Assistant to the Dean and he/she determines if the retiree qualifies for the Retirement Blanket from the President. Dean’s assistant sends the information to the MSUAF to request the blanket.

  4. If retiree has served at least 25 years, Assistant to the Dean will email the President’s office and they will receive an additional special gift from the President.

  5. Campus Director on retiree’s campus collects funds from the college for a retirement gift. If retiree reports directly to the Dean, then the Assistant to the Dean will handle the collection for the gift.

  6. Retiree is celebrated at the next all college general faculty meeting. This can happen during the meeting itself or at a meal.