Capstone papers available here are not in the library due to numerous reasons.

Summer 2024

Catherine Bergeron

Jake Phillips

Nancy Wear

Summer 2023

Michele Fields: The Benefits and Challenges of a Flipped Classroom in High School Biology

Gisela Dumm: Impacts of Universal Design for Learning Principles of Science on Students' Practice of Science

Summer 2022

Scott Andrews: Using a Balance of Mathematical and Conceptual Practice Problems to Increase Understanding in High School Physics

Kelsey Ferguson: Effectively Differentiating Small Groups in High School Science

Neil Freeman: Using Practice Performance Assessments to Prepare Students for Summative Performance Assessments in Grade Six Science

David Johnson: The Effect of Specific Formative Feedback Methods in a Standards-Based Grading Science Classroom

Katherine Katsenes: The Effect of Formative Assessment in 11th Grade Physics

Katie Lessaris: Impact of Gender in Student's Interest and Self Efficacy in Middle School Science

Jennifer Nardiello: Using Claim, Evidence, and Reasoning to Improve Understanding and Concept Retention in Middle School Science

Jeanine Piatz: Evaluating the Impact of Collaboration Strategies on Engagement in a Virtual 7th Grade Science Classroom

Sandra Ullyott: Nurturing a Critical Thinking Disposition in the Science Classroom

Weiting (Jocelyn) Zhang: The Impact of Creating a Science Elite Club and Actively Adopting Student-Led Learning Method on Middle School ESL Students' Academic Achievement in Science

Summer 2021

Farrah Cooper: Supporting English Language Learners' Students in High School Physics