July 01

Charles Pavlisich: The Matrix That Lead Teachers Work Within to Execute Overnight Field Trips at Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center

Jennifer DuBois: The Impact of the 5E Instructional Method in High School Biology Students' Abilities to Make Real-World Connections

Jenna Windjue: Using STEAM to Make Models for Anatomy and Physiology Classrooms

Erica Bertrand: Traditional versus Performance Based Assessments in a Student-Centered High School Chemistry Classroom

Caroline Bottega: Authentic Data in High School Marine Science: Impacts on Data Literacy and Real-World Connections

Stephanie Heinrich: The Impact of Outdoor Experiential Education on Fifth-Grade Students

Tim Lies: The Effect of Next Generation Science Standards Practices on Students

July 02

Michael Barbaccia: Exploring the Connection Between Seating Layouts and Active Learning Behaviors in Middle School Science Classes

Sarah Huggins: Literacy Instruction in a Middle School Science Classroom

Izzy Schneyer: The Impact of Collaboration & Feedback on Science Lab Assessments in a Mastery Grading Classroom

Krista Cunningham: The Efficacy of a High School Biology Storyline Curriculum

Megan Cleary: Teacher-Assigned Lab Groups in AP Chemistry

Jennifer Vandenberg: Podcasts and Non-Science Students’ Curiosity in Science

Audrey Immonen: Students’ Conceptions and Attitudes about Climate Change

Chandler Bowen: Increasing Accessibility to the Benefits of Nordic Skiing and Outdoor Science Education

July 03

Patrice Rex: Student Generated Scientific Drawings as a Sensemaking Tool

Orianna Sherer: The Effects of CASEL Based Mini SEL Lessons on a Middle School Science Classroom

Aislee Olmstead: Improving Student Literacy through Science Teaching Techniques: Through Analyzing Real-World Informational Text

Maeve Hughes: Creating a Science Classroom that Focuses on Scientific Literacy

Melissa Lamb: Homework Choice in the High School Science Classroom

Emily Pavlisich: The Impact that Naturalist Practices Can Have on Students