Funds from these awards will be used to support travel opportunities for MSU Bozeman graduate students in their 3rd semester or higher from any department, to conduct poster or oral presentations at professional conferences or scholarly research. The total number of awards will depend on the available funds. Applications will be considered on a first-come, first-serve basis and grants may not be awarded if funds have been exhausted. Applications will be reviewed monthly and awarded based upon availability of funds each term. Students must have a program of study and a graduate committee on file with the graduate school and be in good standing. Preference will be given to current degree-seeking graduate students in their 3rd semester or higher.  In order to be considered for this award, applicants must be current degree-seeking graduate students in their 3rd semester or higher in good standing. An award of up to $750 requires documentation of presenting your scholarship as well as advisor approval. The student’s travel must be completed before the student graduates.

Required Application Materials

  1. Student/Information
  2. Name, email address, ORCID, and linkedIN profile (indicate N/A when necessary)
  3. Title of the scholarship to be presented (or researched)
  4. Venue in which the scholarship will be presented. If the trip is to conduct scholarship, please describe the planned work (250 words or less)
  5. Detailed budget request that includes transportation (type & cost) accommodations, registration fees, and the duration of the trip. No matching is required, though we acknowledge that the amount from the Graduate School may not cover your full costs.
  6. Documentation that you will be presenting at the event (e.g., a letter of acceptance, a program listing their name and submitted scholarship)

The submitted proposal will be electronically routed via DocuSign to the Graduate School, then the students’ Research Advisor and finally the Graduate School Dean. Only those proposals that are electronically approved by the advisor will be eligible for an award. 

Application Link


NOTE:  If awarded, you should be prepared to acknowledge support from the Graduate School at Montana State University. Also, please tag some of the Montana State social media when you are presenting your work, e.g. MSU FB page, MSU Twitter, InstagramLinkedIN.

Mechanism for Distribution of the Professional and Dean's Advancement Grants.

Staff from the student's academic department will need to coordinate with the Graduate School regarding use of these funds which will be available to to reimburse the student for travel and registration expenses allowable under university policy.