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Faculty Senate Meeting 

Harrison 123

September 11, 2024




I.            Call to Order


II.            Approval of FS Minutes from August 28, 2024


III.            FYI Items

a.      Reminder: September is suicide prevention month

i.      Mindwise Signs of Suicide training available for free to faculty


2.  redemption code MSU. You will need to create an account.

b.      The Center for Faculty Excellence (CFE) would like to survey faculty on programming needs: 

c.       Provost’s distinguished lecture series have started


d.      Update on diversity statements

i.        No diversity statement can be required for job applicants

ii.       Boilerplate language now used for all job postings (non-discrimination statement)

iii.      Syllabi and website diversity statements: no university or college restrictions

e.      Update on Trump rally spending


ii.       Bill paid in full for Brick Breedan use ($3,250) and services. Total: $162,622.71

iii.      Cost to MSU police: 12,783.30. Comes out of base police budget.

f.        Update on parking

i.      Leadership contacted Randy Crandall

1.      Please send a brief, polite note to parking services about your specific issues:  or to Randy

ii.      Please see the parking task force recommendations from last year, many of your suggestions appear to be in the works.

iii.      Continuing discussion

g.      Update on Student Wellness Center

i.      Anyone not joining the wellness center due to increased fees can contact Amber Long. 

 ii.      The center is lowering locker fees and including a towel service in the locker fee (will get a reimbursement if you previously paid for this). Thank you, Rob!


IV.            Information Updates

a.      Committee updates

i.       Graduate Council

ii.      University Council

b.      Ariel Donohue, 

i.       Diversity Report

ii.      Q&A


V.            Undergraduate Courses and Programs 

a.      Courses—First Reading 

i.      ANTY 359 : Public Archaeology

ii.     EDSP 462 : Special Education Law, Policies & Practices

b.      Programs — First Reading 

i.      -CAS : Law Enforcement

c.       Course Inactivations – Second Reading

i.      M 088 : Mathematical Literacy

1.      We inactivated M088 because we are allowing all level 100 students into the M005/105Q co-req. The course supervisor for these courses felt like there was enough overlap in the two courses and that the level 100 students could still be successful in the M005/105Q while allowing them to receive college credit. After one semester of a pilot we were able to show success in this area and thus got rid any fully developmental math course on the non-STEM side.

d.      Program Inactivations – Second Reading

i.      CEBR-BS : Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering - Bio-Resources Option

1.      This program was ended but never inactivated in CIM.


VI.            Graduate Courses and Programs 

a.      Course Changes — Second Reading 

i.      EIND 525 : Multi-Criteria Decision Making and Optimization

1.      Title changed from Multi-Attribute Analysis

2.      Updating the course title to be more contemporary and recognizable.


VII.             Senators’ Open Conversation 


VIII.            Public Comment


IX.             Adjourn