Although you may not be able to deliver a lecture in the classroom in the event of an emergency, you can still deliver lectures through real-time synchronous web conferencing sessions or by recording a video using lecture capture software and posting it to a course in Brightspace/D2L.

Synchronous (Real-time, Live) Class Sessions


WebEx is available for conducting live class sessions and can be accessed by all students and faculty. In order to make WebEx live synchronous class sessions go smoothly and be more effective for your student’s online learning, follow these tips and strategies:

  • Schedule these synchronous live sessions during the days and times when you would have met for the course.
  • Record the session and post a link for students who can’t make it.
  • Run a test session to make sure that WebEx runs properly on your computer and to become familiar with its tools and features.
  • Connectivity problems can happen. If students are experiencing difficulties, let them know it's okay and they should rejoin as they are able.
  • Use a microphone or headset. The audio quality using these tools is typically better than than your computer’s built-in options.
  • Control background noise. Ask your students to stay muted unless they are going to speak. Encourage use of earbuds or headphones and refrain from typing unless they are muted. Instructors also have the ability to mute all participants. NOTE: Due to campus-based emergency circumstances, students may not always be able to find quiet space and control interruptions by roommates, spouses, children and pets.
  • Consider using WebEx’s Chat feature or keeping the video feed off. This frees Internet bandwidth, allowing students to listen without worrying about their appearance.
  • For synchronous (real-time) online sessions, be aware that you’re often being invited into a student’s home. Please practice respect and understanding.

Visit MSU's WebEx website to get started with WebEx

For assistance with WebEx: or 406-994-1777

Utilizing WebEx to Engage Online

Recorded on Friday, March 20 

 Watch the video now (~1 hr 30 min)

Recorded Lectures

TechSmith Relay

TechSmith Relay is a basic lecture capture software for recording screens and narrating over a PowerPoint, document, image or website using a device’s microphone. Information for using TechSmith Relay produced recordings can be edited and uploaded to a Brightspace/D2L course for your students to view.

To create effective recorded lectures for your student’s online learning, follow these tips and best practices:

  • Length: Provide short mini-lectures that are 5-15 minutes long. Aim for bite sized chunks of information that target 1-2 pieces of content at a time. Students are less likely to watch a 45+ minute recording online. Longer lectures can be broken up into parts where new topics or concepts are introduced, i.e. Part I – Concept A, Part II Concept B.
  • Composition: Avoid including large amounts of text on a screen that students will have to read while listening to audio. Audio narration over images and few key words or bullet points is more effective when it comes to learning through recorded lectures.
  • Tone: Try to communicate in an informal, personalizing way. Research suggests students are less likely to pay attention when a more formal, robotic tone is used.

Video Tutorial for Adding a TechSmith Recording to Brightspace Course (Non-Graded Option)

For assistance with TechSmith Relay, contact Colin Smith at MSU Academic Technology and Outeach at or 406-994-1978.

Recording Lectures using TechSmith Relay to Help Make the Transition Online

  • Recorded on Tuesday, March 17, 2020
  • Note: The PC Version of TechSmith Relay may look a little different than the version in these videos. Both sessions have the same content presented but may vary in the  Q & As at the end of the session.
  • Session 1 - Watch the Recording (1 hour)
  • Session 2 - Watch the Recording (1 hour)

Teaching, Learning and Technology (TLT) Studio

The TLT Studio[BROKEN LINK] is available to all faculty who are interested in developing additional digital course materials. The TLT Studio offers access to a small lecture capture recording suite that provides a contained space and computing and recording equipment for the development of video and audio content through TechSmith Relay and other tools.

Additionally the TLT Studio hosts the LearningGlass where instructors can create high-quality videos that record directly to a personal USB storage device with a single button push. Visit the TLT Studio website[BROKEN LINK] for example videos made with the LearningGlass.

You can check availability and request time in the studio here

For assistance with the TLT Studio, contact Colin Smith at MSU Academic Technology and Outeach at or 406-994-1978.