Academic Standing Designation 

Good Standing      

A student has a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 or better or is a new student (transfer students may be admitted on an academic status below Good Standing).

Academic Warning

A student’s cumulative GPA drops below 2.0 or a student’s cumulative GPA remains below 2.0 with a semester GPA above 2.0.

Academic Suspension

A student was placed on Academic Warning or Suspend Reinstate in the prior semester and their next semester GPA was below 2.0.


MSU's Suspension Policy

Students who develop a pattern of low academic achievement risk being suspended from MSU. After a first suspension, you may not enroll in classes for the next semester. With spring suspensions, this means a student may not enroll in both summer and fall semesters. Following a second suspension, students may not enroll for a full academic year. Details of MSU's suspension policy are found in the undergraduate catalog. First-time suspended students can return to MSU the following semester through Second Wind. The program provides individual and group support and allows students to return immediately without having to sit out.

The Impact of Being Suspended

Being suspended from MSU may be both traumatic and problematic for you. However, by no means does a suspension necessarily indicate that you will not be successful in college. Many MSU students have difficulty establishing good academic habits. A suspension period out of school often provides students with motivation to appropriately focus on their academic life. In addition, the money saved by working during this time can help with the cost of college.

Extraordinary Circumstances Around Your Suspension

Sometimes a student is suspended for low academic performance in a given semester during which there were extraordinary circumstances beyond their control: a significant illness near the end of the semester, a traumatic event from which the student was unable to recover, an ongoing medical condition, etc. If you believe your academic performance in the semester for which you were suspended was due to extenuating circumstances like this, you can appeal your suspension. Please note that circumstances such as too many morning classes, needing to go to a friend's wedding, noisy roommates, not going to class, working too many hours, brief illnesses, not being motivated, too much skiing, snowboarding, or partying, etc. do not qualify as extenuating circumstances.

Appealing a suspension by no means assures being reinstated. The hearing board will weigh all the factors and make a determination.

How to Appeal a Suspension

Appeals are considered when students can document that extenuating circumstances beyond their control impacted their studies. If you plan to appeal, we recommend that you first review the appeal guidelines and requirements found here on the Provost's Website: Suspension Appeal.

To appeal a suspension, students must:

    • Set up an appointment with Senior Assistant Dean Kaminski ( to discuss the circumstances of your suspension, your appeal, and an academic plan to ensure your future success. The Senior Assistant Dean might expect you to come to your meeting with the next steps completed. Be sure to ask if this is expected prior to your meeting.
    • Complete the Suspension Appeal Cover Sheet and Documentation, which is found at link above. Please note: "GID" means your MSU Student ID.
    • Review, gather, and complete all required paperwork and documentation listed on the second page of the Suspension Appeals Cover Sheet. The Senior Assistant Dean can also help if you have questions about the required documentation:
      • Statement of Academic Purpose
      • Academic Plan
        • Reference
      • Information about and documentation regarding your Extraordinary Circumstances
      • Student Conduct Information (if this applies to your appeal)
    • Gather documentation that will support your appeal (e.g., memo from a doctor, disability test results, medical or psychological evaluation, etc). Include only essential materials, please. If you plan to include documentation of a disability, you can go to the disability services page for information.
    • Deliver, mail, or email your appeal package (Suspension Appeal Form and any supporting documentation) to Senior Assistant Dean Kayte Kaminski ( Deadlines change every semester and can be determined by contacting the MSU Provost's Office at 406-994-4371.

Returning to MSU After Completing a Suspension

Once your suspension period is over, you are automatically reinstated at MSU; however, you must complete the following items prior to registering for courses. It is strongly recommended that these items be taken care of at least three weeks before the beginning of the semester in which you plan to take classes.

1. All students must submit an "Intent to Register" form to the Registrar's Office. Intent to Register forms are to be completed and submitted through My Info Log into the secure area, go to Student Services, and click on "MSU Bozeman Online Intent to Register" located near the bottom of the list.

2. Students are required to schedule a "Must See' appointment with a Success advisor at the Allen Yarnell Center for Student Success prior to registering. During this appointment, you will discuss the ramifications of your suspension on your academic standing, ways to improve your GPA, and the resources available to help you succeed. When you are making the appointment, please specify that you are returning to MSU following a suspension period. University Studies students can call 406-994-3532 to speak with an advisor. Students in other majors should contact their departments to determine the proper procedure for registration.