FY2024 EHHD Grant Activity Summary


College of Education, Health and Human Development FY2024 Expenditures

(Expenditure numbers provided by MSU Office of Sponsored Programs)

Academic Unit Expenditures
College of EHHD (as a separate unit) $198,083
Department of Education $1,935,648
Department of Counseling $3,251,564
Department of Food Systems, Nutrition & Kinesiology $565,015
Department of Human Development & Community Health $998,288




FY2024 EHHD Grant SUBMISSIONS by Unit Principal Investigators/Project Directors
Academic Unit Submitted $
EHHD PI-Led Submissions  
Department of Education  * $19,097,994
Department of Counseling * $131,990
Department of Food Systems, Nutrition & Kinesiology * $6,596,187
Department of Human Development & Community Health * $2,972,729
* includes only grants in which EHHD PIs lead the grant  
FY2024 Collaborative Grant Submissions  
College of Education, Health & Human Development ** $1,030,259
Department of Education ** $23,940,349
Department of Counseling ** $1,991,083
Department of Food Systems, Nutrition & Kinesiology ** $6,643,383
Department of Human Development & Community Health ** $2,972,729
 **includes partnerships where another department's faculty or another institution leads the grant  




FY2024 EHHD Grant AWARDS by Unit Principal Investigators/Project Directors*
Academic Unit $ Awarded *
College of Education, Health & Human Development  
Department of Education $5,595,490
Department of Counseling


Department of Food Systems, Nutrition & Kinesiology


Department of Human Development & Community Health


*total award dollars for proposals submitted in FY24; includes only grants in which EHHD PIs lead the grant

FY2024 EHHD Collaborative Grant Awards with PIs in Other Units**
Academic Unit
$ Awarded **
College of Education, Health & Human Development
Department of Education
Department of Counseling
Department of Food Systems, Nutrition & Kinesiology
Department of Human Development & Community Health

**total award dollars for proposals submitted in FY24; includes partnerships where another department's faculty or another institution leads the grant

FY2024 EHHD-Led and Collaborative Grants Success Rate
Academic Unit
Percentage Success
Department of Education **
Department of Counseling **
Department of Food Systems, Nutrition & Kinesiology **
Department of Human Development & Community Health **

**proposals submitted in FY2024, including partnerships.


FY2024 Submitted Grants that Remain Pending**

Academic Unit

$ Still Pending

Department of Education **
Department of Counseling **
Department of Food Systems, Nutrition & Kinesiology **
Department of Human Development & Community Health **
**proposals submitted in FY24; includes funds proposed through another department or agency



Current Grants 

Includes funds awarded to PIs through another department and submitted in a prior FY

College of EHHD (as a separate Unit) - Currently Funded Projects

Principal Investigator & Partners Funding Agency Grant Title Start/End Dates &
Total Award
Bird, Elizabeth with Mr. Robbie Magnan (PD), Fort Peck Tribes Fish & Game Director and Michael Everts, MSU School of Architecture Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Trail Stewardship program Pté Bahá Ocą́gu [Nakona - Buffalo Hills] Wamákha?kaŋ?kaŋ [Dakota - All that move on the land] (Buffalo Connections Trail) 6/1/23 - 10/15/25
Bird, Elizabeth with Mr. Robbie Magnan (PD), Fort Peck Tribes Fish & Game Director, Suzi Taylor, MSU SMRC and Michael Everts, MSU School of Architecture National Fish &
Wildlife Foundation

Fort Peck Buffalo Program (MT) – Northern Plains Bison Range Conservation Improvements via Improved Fencing, Technician Skill & Enhanced Forage Quality; Community Access via an Attractive Walking Trail; and Workforce & Economic Development via Public Education Programming and Tourist Access

2/1/24 - 1/31/28
Collins, Julian US Dept of Education MSU-Bozeman TRIO Student Support Services 9/1/20 - 8/31/24
Myer, Joshua US Dept of Education MSU-Bozeman McNair Student Support Services 10/1/23 - 9/30/28
Swinford, Steven US Dept of Ed via OCHE Gear Up 7/1/23 - 9/25/24







Department of Education - Currently Funded Projects

Principal Investigator & Partners
Funding Agency
Grant Title
Start/End Dates &
Total Award
Chipps, Jeanette
MSU-Equipment Fee Allocation
Science Math Hardware: 15 TI 84 or TI 83  Resource graphing calculators Center Software: Vernier Graphical analysis
8/1/24 - 5/31/25
Davis, Lauren
A Trauma-Informed Intervention for Positive Youth Development and Teacher Wellness in Rural Montana
9/1/21 - 8/31/24
Downey, Jayne; with Jenny Luebeck, Math
Margaret A. Cargill Foundation
Resolving the Rural Teacher Shortage in Montana 2023 (ASPIRE) Renewal
1/1/24 -
Downey, Jane and Kelley Edwards
USDA-NIFA Rural Health & Safety Education
Cultivating Youth Mental Health in Rural and Reservation Communities
9/1/23 - 8/31/26
Downey, Jayne; Kelley Edwards
Bozeman Deaconess Health
Bozeman Health YAM (Youth Aware of Mental Health)
9/1/21 - 8/31/24
Downey, Jayne
USDA-NIFA Rural Health & Safety Education
Rural Resiliency: Expanding Access to Youth Aware of Mental Health
9/1/21 - 8/31/25
Downey, Jayne
Helena Public Schools
Youth Aware of Mental Health Program in Helena
9//1/19 - 6/30/24
Downey, Jayne with Tena Versland, Sara Schmitt Wilson,
MSU VPRED/Research Expansion Funds Awards
Building Capacity, Collaboration, and Innovation in Rural Education Research and Practice  
Downey, Jayne
National Alliance on Mental Illness
Youth Aware of Mental Health
10/1/20 - 8/31/23
Downey, Jayne with Kelley Edwards
MSU Expanding MT YAM Training, Delivery, and Impact 2023
7/1/23 - 6/30/24
Downey, Jayne with Seifert, Tricia
U.S. Department of Education Teacher Quality Partnership
Addressing Rural Recruitment and Retention in Montana
Elfreich, Alycia
MSU-Equipment Fee Allocation
Multi-media Multicultural Teacher Professional  Development
8/1/24 - 5/31/25
Elfreich, Alycia and Leslie Rogers
MSU - Scholarship & Creativity
Exploring Inclusive Practices: Relationship Building and Asset Exploration in Rural K-12 Schools and an Institute of Higher Education
5/15/24 - 6/30/25
Hancock, Hailey
Humanities Montana
National History Day Montana
9/1/23 - 10/29/24
Hughes, Bryce
Royal Society for Chemistry
Identifying Factors that Push LGBT+ Scientists out of STEM across the US and UK
7/1/23 - 12/30/24
Hughes, Bryce
Exploring the Participation of LGBTQ Undergraduates in STEM
2/1/2021 - 1/31/2026
Hughes, Bryce with PI.Craig Wollard (Civil Engineering)
Kern Family Foundation
Accelerating Development an Entrepreneurial Mindset Ecosystem Using Faculty Development and Outcomes Based Research
Luo, Fenqjen
MSU-Scholarship & Creativity
Multi-media Multicultural Teacher Professional  Development
5/15/2024 - 6/30/2025
Luo, Fenqjen [with Suzi Taylor/SMRC,  Paul Gannon (Chemical and Biological Engineering); Jiong Qiu (Physics)]
NSF-EHR - Division Of Undergraduate Education (DUE); Noyce
Building Capacity to Develop STEM Teacher Leaders in Montana Rural and American Indian Schools
4/1/24 - 10/31/23
Luo, Fenqjen [with Suzi Taylor/SMRC,  Paul Gannon (Chemical and Biological Engineering); Jiong Qiu (Physics)]
NSF-EHR - Division Of Undergraduate Education (DUE); Noyce
Rural and American Indian School Educators as Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Leaders
6/1/2024 - 5/31/2029
Luo, Fenqjen
American Mathematical Society
Montana Math Circle Summer Camp
3/15/23 - 10/15/24
Lux, Nick with PI Paul Gannon (CBE) and Rebekah Hammack,  and Sweeney Windchief
Culturally-Responsive Energy Engineering Education in Rural/Reservation Elementary Schools
Rinio, Deborah
Institute Of Museum And Library Services
Indigenous Perspectives in School Librarianship
8/1/2020 - 7/31/2024
Ruff, William with PI Julie Ruff (Nursing)
Gianforte Foundation
Healing through Education, Art and Resilency Teaching (HEART) III
3/1/23 - 2/28/24
Ruff, Bill with PI Julie Ruff (Nursing)
Arthur M Blank Family Foundation--AMB West Community Fund
Healing through Education, Art and Resiliency Teaching (HEART) Phase III
12/1/23 - 12/31/24
Seifert, Tricia
Digital Game for College Success: Prototype to Commercialization 
2/1/24 - 5/31/25
Seifert, Tricia
MT Office of Public Instruction
Tribal Colleges' Enrollment During COVID
3/7/22 - 2/28/25
Seifert, Tricia
Montana Rural Education Association
Addressing Rural Recruitment & Retention in  Montana  - cash match (see Downey & Seifert)
3/1/2021 - 9/30/2024
Seifert, Tricia with Nick Lux and Paul Gannon (CBE)
OPI Extended/Expanded Learning Opportunity
Language Games for English Gains
1/1/24 - 12/31/24
Stanton, Christine with Elizabeth Bird, Jill Ramaker, PI Roxann Smith (Fort Peck Cmty College) & Alexei Desmarais (Ecology Project Int'l)
National Endowment for Humanities Landmark Curriculum Project via Fort Peck Community College
Buffalo Nations: History and Revitalization of the American Bison
10/1/22 - 9/30/24
$190,000 ($20,538 to MSU)
Taylor, Suzanne with Yves Idzerda (Physics PI)
Air Force Research Lab
Applied Quantum CORE (Workforce Development)
9/1/23 - 8/31/26
Taylor, Suzi with Nicholas Lux, Jeannie Chips
Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFSR)
Virtual Geospatial Skills Camp for Rural Montana Youth
9/1/23 - 8/31/24
Taylor, Suzi and partners
NASA Science Action Award
Aerokats and Rovers Education Network
3/1/2021 - 2/28/2026
Taylor, Suzanne with Nika Stoop (MSU_CFE) & Nicole Motzer (MSU_ORD)
NSF via Rutgers University
Implementation and Evaluation of the ARIS Broader Impacts Toolkit
3/20/23 - 9/30/24
Taylor Suzi with PI Robert Walker (Chemistry)
IMERSS/SMARTFireS Education/Workforce
8/1/23 - 7/31/28
Windchief, Sweeney with PI Mayra Del Carmen (Psychology), and Desiree Taylor (Education)
MSU/ORD Research Collaborative Grants
All Shades, All Spaces: Building a Bridge to Outdoor Recreation for Underserved Students at MSU
7/1/24 - 6/30/25
Windchief, Sweeney
Sloan Foundation (via Purdue)
Sloan Indigenous Grant Partnership: A Force for Change
Windchief, Sweeney with PI Craig Ogilvie (Grad School), MSU President Waded Cruzado and Paul Gannon (CBE)
National Science Foundation
LSAMP BD: Montana State University All Nations Alliance
7/1/23 - 6/30/25


Formerly combined as Department of Health & Human Development:

Department of Counseling - Currently Funded Projects

Principal Investigator & Partners
Funding Agency
Grant Title
Start/End Dates &
Total Award
Bartkowiak, Anna with PI Laura Stanley (Computer Science)
MSU/ORD Research Collaborative Grants
Collaborative Research Initiative: Innovating Counselor Training using Mixed Reality Simulation 
7/1/24 - 6/30/25
Koltz, Rebecca
MSU - Equipment Fee Allocation
Human Development Clinic Renovation
8/1/24 - 5/31/25
Koltz, Rebecca; Downey, Jayne
US Dept of Education with Montana OPI (prime) and UM
Rural Mental Health Preparation/Practice Pathway: An Innovative Partnership to Prepare Rural School-Based Mental Health Services Providers
$2,347,934 (total grant)
Koltz, Rebecca with Jayne Downey, Katey Franklin
US Dept of Education
Rural Mental Health Preparation Practice Pathway Partnership (RMHP4): Expanding a Model to Prepare Rural School-Based Mental Health Service Providers
4/1/23 - 12/31/27

Department of Food Systems, Nutrition & Kinesiology - Currently Funded Projects

Principal Investigator & Partners Funding Agency Grant Title Start/End Dates &
Total Award
Becker, James International Biathlon Union Effects of Rifle Carriage on Skiing Physiology and Biomechanics 6/1/24 - 5/31/25
Becker, James MSU-Equipment Fee Allocation Theia markerless motion capture system items Software: Theia3D markerless tracking software 8/1/24 - 5/31/25
 Becker, James with PI Scott Monfort (MIE)  NIH (R03) Establishing Cognitive-Motor Function as a Missing Therapeutic Target after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction 11/30/2023
Ebel, Roland with PI Zach Miller (MSU-WARC) Montana Department of Agriculture  Increasing profitability of organic vegetable farms through improved integrated weed management 10/1/2022 - 9/30/2025
Ebel, Roland USDA/WSARE Enhancing the Sustainability of Small Farms in Montana through Postharvest Management of Berry Crops, with Emphasis on Haskaps 9/1/24 - 8/31/25
Kuo, Wan-Yuan with Laura Black, College of Business MSU - CSTES Research Incubator Participatory systems mapping to explore pathways toward Indigenous food sovereignty with Senegalese smallholder farmers 4/5/13 - 5/5/25
Kuo, Wan-Yuan MSU Outreach & Engagement Recipes for Resilience – Developing healthy recipes using Native crops and pantry items to support Tribal producers and food bank users in Indian country 7/1/24 - 6/30/25
Kuo, Wan-Yuan Montana Department of Agriculture RFBC contract –product development and testing to support Montana businesses (meat and poultry)  1/1/24 - 5/25/27
Kuo, Wan-Yuan MSU Research Expansion Funds Engineering lentil patties architecture by applying material science   5/15/2024 - 4/30/2025
Kuo, Wan-Yuan MSU- Equipment Fee Allocation Analytical Lab and Extrusion Unit improvements 8/1/24 - 5/31/25
Kuo, Wan-Yuan Montana Dept of Ag 2023 Montana RFSI contract - product development and testing to support Montana businesses (non-meat/poultry)  1/1/24 - 5/25/27
Kuo, Wan-Yuan with Chidimma Ifeh American Heritage Chocolate Bean to bar to bin - connecting the life stories of cocoa with farmers' market consumers to promote cocoa shell upcycling. 2/27/24 - 2/26/25
Kuo, Wan-Yuan with Jenny Grossenbacher and Barb Watson (Pollution Prevention Program) US EPA Montana Pollution Prevention Program: Technical Assistance for the Food & Beverage Manufacturing Industry and Environmental Justice Through Integration of Traditional Ecological Knowledge With Existing P2 Framework to Advance TEK in Federal Decision Making 10/01/22 - 9/30/25
Kuo, Wan-Yuan with PI Jenny Grossenbacher and Barb Watson (Pollution Prevention Program) US EPA Montana Pollution Prevention Program 10/01/22 -09/30/24
Kuo, Wan-Yuan USDA/WSARE Indigenous Food-Science-Ways: Integrating Indigenous knowledge with food scince, research & education to support value-added Native foods 7/1/2021 - 6/30/2024
Kuo, Wan-Yuan USDA Higher Education Challenge via NC State FIRST in PD Teaching: Food Innovation, Research, Science, and Technology in Product Development Teaching 9/1/21 - 7/31/24
Kuo, Wan-Yuan with Mary Miles Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research Fermentation to Unlock the Bio- and Techno-functional potential of underutilized indigenous plants 8/1/21 - 12/31/24
Kuo, Wan-Yuan Montana Dept of Ag / SCBG Establishing the industry and market for Montana's high-value fractionated pulse ingredients via food product innovation 9/30/21 - 9/29/24
Kuo, Wan-Yuan with Sophia Seffrood Montana Dept of Ag / SCBG Expanding value-added product innovation capacity and offering extrusion training for specialty crop stakeholders 9/30/23 - 9/29/26
Kuo, Wan-Yuan MSU- Faculty Excellence Grant Strategic planning and business coaching to improve research cost effectiveness, real-life impact, and long-term operational sustainability 1/1/24 - 8/31/24
Miles, Mary Cotton Incorporated Investigating the potential anti-inflammatory benefits of a cotton seed oil-rich diet 1/1/22 - 12/31/24
Miles, Mary USDA/AFRI & Pulse Association Therapeutic Impacts of Dietary Pulses on Serum Bile Acids 2/1/2021 - 1/31/25
Miles, Mary, with Wan-Yuan Kuo USDA-ARS Pulse Crop Health Initiative  Gut microbiota dependent and independent impacts of dietary pulses on pre- and postprandial metabolism and inflammation in overweight/obese humans   9/15/2019 - 12/31/2025
Miles, Mary Organic Advisory and Education Council (OAEC) Impact of Beef on Metabolites and Inflammation 5/1/22 - 4/30/24
Miles, Mary; with Zach Miller (Western Ag Rsch Ctr); Brian Bothner (Chem/Biochem); Seth Walk (Microbiology); Carl Yeoman (Animal & Range Science) USDA NIFA AFRI PARTNERSHIP: Elucidating Gut Microbiota-dependent Health Impacts of Haskap Berries to Inform Agricultural Production Practices that will Maximize Bioactive Potential  6/1/24 - 5/31/29
Ramaker, Jill USDA/NRCS via Piikani Lodge Health Institute Growing the Impossible: Climate Smart Commodities in Tribal Homelands 12/1/2023 - 11/28/2028
Ramaker, Jill USDA/FSA via Piikani Lodge Health Institute The New Golden Triangle: A Bold Vision to Advance the Tribal Agriculture Economy in the Upper Great Plains 1/1/2024 - 12/31/2028
Ramaker, Jill with Roland Ebel USDA via NHS Tribal College Calling People Back to the Land - Intergenerational Knowledge Network & Curriculum for Indigenous Food Sovereignty 6/1/23 -5/31/28
Routh, Brianna MT DPHHS Families First and Kinship Evaluation 07/01/23 - 06/30/24
Routh, Brianna with Dawn Tarabochia USDA- NIFA via Missoula CFAC GusNIP Produce Prescription Program 9/15/22-9/14/25
Stagg, Jay USDA via MT-OPI Foraging the 406 7/1/24 - 6/30/26
Stagg, Jay USDA via OPI Farm to School Formula Subgrant 2/15/23 - 11/30/26
Stenberg, Molly MT No Kid Hungry - Share our Strength MSMC Culinary Workshop 5/18/23 - 11/30/24
Stenberg, Molly with Dawn Tarabochia MT OPI MT Team Nutrition for School Nutrition and Farm to School Support 10/1/23 - 9/30/25
Tomayko, Emily with PI Alex Adams (CAIRHE) Cancer Control Research in Persistent Poverty Areas NIH/NCI through U. Utah Delivery of Turtle Island Tales to Promote Family Wellness
(Part of "HOPE and CAIRHE 2gether (HC2)")
5/1/23 - 4/30/28
Zhang, Wenhao USDA - HEC via U.TN Development of the Certificate of Food Security Program, Modeling Food4Vols, a Food Upcycling Program on the College Campus 10/1/23 - 9/30/26






Department of Human Development & Community Health -
Currently Funded Projects

Principal Investigator & Partners Funding Agency Grant Title Start/End Dates &
Total Award
 Bird, Elizabeth with Lux, Christine Montana Community Foundation  A Head Start Buffalo People Curriculum 12/31/2024
Boylan, Taylor MT DPHHS MT Milestones - Part C 9/30/2024
Boylan, Taylor MT DPHHS Early Care and Education Career Development 9/30/2024
Brennan, Alison USDA via University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Updating and Revising USDA Farm Service Agency Farm & Ranch Stress Training 2/13/23 - 9/29/24
Decker, Kalli MSU Faculty Excellence Grant Benefits of a Museum-Based Early Learning Program for Children and Families  7/1/24 - 6/30/25
Grocke, Michelle with Alison Brennan USDA via WSU Western Region Agricultural Stress Assistance Program 8/31/2024
Koltz, Dan MT DPHHS Montana Caregiving Respite Retreat Program 7/1/21 - 6/30/26
Koltz, Dan with Brianna Routh MT DPHHS Montana Kinship Navigator Program 10/1/23 - 9/30/24
Lee, Ji Hyun Alzheimers Association Social Network, Loneliness, and Cognitive Decline in Diverse Older Adults 9/01/22- 8/31/25
Lux, Christine DPHHS via UM Montana Home Visiting Model Report 2/1/24 - 12/31/24
Lux, Christine (with Chris Kearns, Marianne Brough and Deidre Hodgson, Offices of Student Success and Student Engagement) U.S. Dept of Education Montana State University CCAMPIS 10/1/2022 - 9/30/2026
Rink, Elizabeth with PI Molly Secorturner (Nursing) UM Baltimore Global Learning for Health Equity Network
(RWJ Fdn)
Global Learning for Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Equity 5/1/23 - 11/4/24
Rink, Elizabeth NIH “We are here now” - a multi-level, multi-component sexual and reproductive health intervention for American Indian youth 11/30/2024
Rink, Beth with Malory Peterson NSF/Arctic Social Science Fertility and reproductive health decisions in response to climate change and adaptation in Greenland 9/1/23 - 7/31/24
Rink, Beth with PI Molly Secorturner (nursing) BridgerCare Teen Pregnancy Prevention Montana Youth Wellness Initiative 7/1/23 - 6/30/25
Schure, Mark USDA/NIFA/CYFAR Children, Youth, and Families at Risk: Social, Emotional, and Physical Wellness (Evaluation) 9/30/2024
Schure, Mark with Suzanne Held MSU/CAIRHE (NIH) Daasachchuchik (‘Strong Heart’): Engaging Apsáalooke community voices for mental health support 9/01/23 - 8/31/24
Simonds, Vanessa with PI Mari Eggers (Microbio & Immunology) (NIH) University of New Mexico  Investigating elevated rates of thyroid dysfunction and autoimmunity in relation to PFAS and metals exposures – a response to Crow Reservation community concerns  2/1/24 - 3/31/25
Simonds, Vanessa with PI Mari Eggers (Microbio & Immunology) & Sweeney Windchief Howard Hughes Medical Institute  IMPACT STEM Transfer: Inclusive And Meaningful Partnerships for Cultivating Transformation in STEM Transfer 11/01/22 -08/31/28 
Simonds, Vanessa with PI Mari Eggers (Microbio & Immunology) USDA/AFRI New Beginnings Returning to Our Good Camp 9/1/21 - 12/31/24
Simonds, Vanessa with PI Mari Eggers (Microbio & Immunology) USDA/NIFA Supplement Tribal College STEM Faculty Summer Institute 10/1/22 - 8/31/25
 Simonds, Vanessa NSF-AISL Guardians of the Living Water: Advancing Informal STEM Learning in a Tribal Community 9/1/2020 - 3/25/2025
Simonds, Vanessa (with Mari Eggers, Microbiology) NSF via U-MASS Center for Braiding Indigenous Knowledges and Science: Guardians of the Living Water Case Study  9/15/23 - 8/31/28
Simonds, Vanessa with PI Diane Bimczok (Microbiology) NIH Post-Bac Research Education Program PREP MT: Providing a Research Education Pathway for Minority and Tribal Students in Montana 1/5/24 - 4/30/29





TOTAL CURRENTLY AWARDED GRANTS ALL FIVE UNITS OF COLLEGE OF EHHD                                                                                                                  $50,645,387



Pending Grants

Includes proposals submitted by PIs in another department and submitted in a prior Fiscal Year:

College of EHHD (as a separate Unit) - Pending Grants

Principal Investigator & Partners Funding Agency Grant Title Start/End Dates &
Total Award
Collins, Julian US Dept of Education 2025 TRIO-Student Support Services 9/1/25 - 8/31/30
Collins, Julian with Office of Disability Services US Dept of Education 2025 TRIO - Disabilities Student Support Services 9/1/25 - 8/31/30
Collins, Julian US Dept of Education 2025 TRIO - STEM Student Support Services 9/1/25 - 8/31/30

Department of Education - Pending Grants

Principal Investigator & Partners Funding Agency Grant Title Start/End Dates &
Total Award
Downey, Jayne with Kelley Edwards IES Education Research and Development Center Program via Johns Hopkins Research Unit for Rural Advanced Learning in Suicide Prevention and Family Empowerment (RURALSAFE) 9/1/24 - 8/30/29
Downey, Jayne with Kelley Edwards MT DPHHS Training YAM Instructors for Montana 2024 7/1/24 - 6/30/25
Elfreich, Alycia with PI Jennifer Brown (Chem/Bio Engineering) and Shannon Willoughby (Physics) NSF Investigating Impacts and Outcomes of a Mindfulness-Based Mentorship Program for STEM Graduate Students 11/1/24 - 10/31/27
Hancock, Hailey Library of Congress Indian Education for All and the Library of Congress: Uplifting Montana’s Constitutional Commitments 10/1/2024 – 9/30/2025
Hancock, Hailey Humanities Montana History Day for All in Montana 1/1/25 - 7/31/25
Lux, Nicholas with PI Brittany Fasy (Computer Science) NSF - S-STEM From Student to Teacher: Encouraging Educational Roles for Computer Science Graduate Students 9/1/24 - 8/31/30
Stanton, Christine with Tricia Seifert ECMC Foundation Enhancing Rural Educational Sovereignty: Co-Developing a Community-Centered Educator Preparation Partnership between a Tribal College/University (TCU) and a Predominantly White Institution (PWI) 11/1/24 - 10/31/27
Taylor, Suzanne with Jeanette Chipps Air Force Office of Scientific Research Geospatial Skills Camps for Rural Montana Communities 9/1/24 - 9/30/27
Taylor, Suzanne with Jeanette Chipps in collaboration with Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance NSF - Discovery Research PreK-12 Scientific Sensemaking about Place-Based Phenomena:  Mobilizing Rural Elementary Teacher Learning 11/1/24 - 10/31/28
 Taylor, Suzanne with PI Dean Adams (CAA) Air Force Research Lab Applied Quantum CORE - Education and Workforce Development 1/1/25 - 12/31/27
Wilson, Sarah Schmitt Spencer via Utah State U. Innovative Education Practices toward Rural Equity 8/1/24 - 7/31/27
Windchief, Sweeney with PI Sarah Morris (Mechanical & Industrial Engineering) NSF Engineering Perspectives and Indigenizing Curriculum (EPIC)  8/1/224 - 7/31/27

Department of Counseling - Pending Grants

Principal Investigator & Partners Funding Agency Grant Title Start/End Dates &
Total Award
Koltz, Rebecca with Jayne Downey (PI Kirsten Murray-University of Montana) US Dept of Education Rural School Mental Health Prepare In Place (RSMHP2): Reaching High Needs Montana  7/1/24 - 6/30/29

Department of Food Systems, Nutrition & Kinesiology - Pending Grants

Principal Investigator & Partners Funding Agency Grant Title Start/End Dates &
Total Award
Grossenbacher, Jennifer with Barb Watson US EPA - Pollution Prevention Closing the Loop: Innovations in Pollution Prevention for the Food and Beverage Manufacturing Industry 10/1/24 - 9/30/26
Grossenbacher, Jennifer with Barb Watson and Wan-Yuan Kuo US EPA - Pollution Prevention Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Bridging Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Pollution Prevention for Sustainable Solutions 10/1/24 - 9/30/26
Kuo, Wan-Yuan with Sophia Seffrood USDA/NIFA Research Facilities Act Program Extrusion Facility Renovations To Advance Underutilized Crops In Mountain States 10/1/24 - 9/30/27
Kuo, Wan-Yuan with Sophia Seffrood Western SARE Research and Education Decoding consumers' preference for sustainable value-added foods - Artificial intelligence to model sensory and sustainability perceptions of pulse crops 5/18/25 - 5/17/28

Routh, Brianna
MT DPHHS Families First  Evaluation 2024-25 7/1/24 - 6/30/25
Routh, Brianna USDA/AFRI Home Food Preservation Outreach 4/1/25 - 3/31/30
Stenberg, Molly with Jay Stagg, Wenhao Zhang USDA/FNS via MT-OPI 2024 USDA Team Nutrition Training Grants for Meal Pattern Modernization and Retention and Mentorship Opportunities 9/15/24 - 9/30/27
Stenberg, Molly Novo Nordisk via Northeast WA Educational Service District  School Food Service Peer Mentoring Expansion in Montana  9/1/24 - 12/31/25

Tomayko, Emily Spencer Foundation vis OSU (Oregon) Effects of Four-Day School Weeks on Teachers, Subject-specific Instructional Time, and Curriculum 2/1/25 - 1/31/27




Department of Human Development & Community Health - Pending Grants

Principal Investigator & Partners Funding Agency Grant Title Start/End Dates &
Total Award
Grocke, MIchelle with Alison Brennan USDA via WSU Supporting Montana's Agricultural Communities 9/1/2024 - 8/31/2025
Grocke, Michelle NIH Built environment approaches to physical activity: testing community-driven implementation strategies $92,875
Lee, Ji Hyun NIH/NCCIH Continued Engagement in One’s Favorite Activity as a Source of Psychological Well-being and Cognitive Health in Older Adulthood 1/1/2025 - 12/31/2025 





TOTAL PENDING GRANTS ALL FIVE UNITS OF COLLEGE OF EHHD                                                                                                                                             $21,043,174