History of Leadership Fellows at MSU

Women in Agriculture - Leadership Capstone Presentation

Leadership Capstone student Cadence Lommori, April 2024

The LFCP has had an interesting history at MSU.  The Leadership Institute, under Carmen McSpadden’s direction, provided extracurricular leadership opportunities for students.  Over time, though, students began requesting additional academic options. That is how the Leadership Fellows Certificate Program was born. It became the academic side of the Leadership Institute.Students from all disciplines at Montana State University have asked for more classes in leadership studies.  Education, Health and Human Development (EHHD) responded to the call by providing an engaging curriculum through the Leadership Fellows Certificate Program (LFCP).  

Over the next couple years, Leadership Fellows slowly began to attract more and more students. It seemed, though, that despite best efforts to get the word out, Leadership Fellows remained one of MSU’s best kept secrets.  Leadership Fellows needed a college to call home. Fortunately, Dean Harmon recognized the program’s value and, in summer of 2018, brought this important program into the Department of Education’s loving arms. 

MSU students clearly wish to acquire the leadership understandings and competencies to create positive change not only in themselves but in their communities and around the world. Students from all majors and areas of study have the opportunity to practice leadership and community development on a local to global level. Leadership Fellows is a wonderful place to begin that journey. For four additional credits, students from any program of study (not just EHHD students) have the opportunity to obtain the very marketable Leadership Fellows Certificate upon graduation.

Did you know that . . .

  • Any MSU student can earn a Leadership Fellows Certificate: Leadership Fellows is available to all students regardless of their chosen field of study
  • The Leadership Fellow designation is noted on final official transcripts
  • Prospective employers value students with leadership knowledge and experience
  • A Leadership Fellows Certificate on a résumé can open doors to . . .
    • Graduate School
    • Internships
    • Your First Job

It's easy to get!

  •  16 Credits Total Gets You a Certificate
    • HLD 121US - LEADERSHIP FOUNDATIONS        3 Credits 
      Approved core seminar course that is offered Fall and Spring semesters
    • HLD 302 - LEADERSHIP CAPSTONE     1 Credit 
      Offered Fall and Spring semesters
    • 6 credits from your major/minor are automatically counted toward your certificate
    • 6 credits from an approved list of electives also count!

If you would like to learn more about the Leadership Fellows Certificate Program,
contact Elizabeth Roberts Williamson at
The Leadership Fellows office is at 242 Reid Hall.
The phone number is 406-994-2016.Montana State University Leadership Fellows logo