2017 EPP Annual Report

CAEP ID: 10318 AACTE SID: 3210
Institution: Montana State University - Bozeman 
EPP: Teacher Education

Section 1. AIMS Profile

After reviewing and/or updating the Educator Preparation Provider's (EPP's) profile in AIMS, check the box to indicate that the information available is accurate.

1.1 In AIMS, the following information is current and accurate...

  Agree Disagree
1.1.1 Contact person Radio button on Radio button off
1.1.2 EPP characteristics Radio button on Radio button off
1.1.3 Program listings Radio button on Radio button off

Section 2. Program Completers

2.1 How many candidates completed programs that prepared them to work in preschool through grade 12 settings during Academic Year 2015-2016 ?

Enter a numeric value for each textbox.

  2.1.1 Number of completers in programs leading to initial teacher certification or licensure   246
  2.1.2 Number of completers in advanced programs or programs leading to a degree, endorsement, or some other credential that prepares the holder to serve in P-12 schools (Do not include those completers counted above.)    
  Total number of program completers   298

Section 3. Substantive Changes

Have any of the following substantive changes occurred at your educator preparation provider or institution/organization during the 2015-2016 academic year?

3.1 Changes in the published mission or objectives of the institution/organization or the EPP

No Change / Not Applicable

3.2 The addition of programs of study at a degree or credential level different from those that were offered when most recently accredited

No Change / Not Applicable

3.3 The addition of courses or programs that represent a significant departure, in terms of either content or delivery, from those that were offered when most recently accredited

No Change / Not Applicable

3.4 A contract with other providers for direct instructional services, including any teach-out agreements

No Change / Not Applicable

Any change that means the EPP no longer satisfies accreditation standards or requirements:

3.5 Change in regional accreditation status

No Change / Not Applicable

3.6 Change in state program approval

No Change / Not Applicable

Section 4. Display of candidate performance data.

Provide a link that demonstrates candidate performance data are public-friendly and prominently displayed on the school, college, or department of education homepage.
Annual accreditation reports including assessment data tables with mean data for key assessments by academic year and licensure area.:

Section 6. Areas for Improvement, Weaknesses, and/or Stipulations

Summarize EPP activities and the outcomes of those activities as they relate to correcting the areas cited in the last Accreditation Action/Decision Report.

Section 7. Accreditation Pathway

Inquiry Brief.Update Appendix E to confirm the categories of evidence the faculty members rely on and have available to support their claims that candidates know their subjects, know pedagogy, and can teach in an effective and caring manner. The update should also note any new categories of evidence the faculty plans to collect.

A. Items under each category of Appendix E are examples. Programs may have more or different evidence.

Type of Evidence Available and in the Brief 1 Not available and not in the Brief Reason
Relied on Not Relied on For future use Not for future use for your selection


Candidate grades and grade point averages   This data is available in the brief and we are using it for program improvement.
Radio button, Relied on.


Scores on standardized tests

Candidate scores on standardized license or board examinations   This data is available in the brief and we are using it for program improvement.
Radio button, Relied on.


Candidate scores on undergraduate and/or graduate admission tests of subject matter knowledge and aptitude

  We have not collected this data and do not intend to collect or use for program improvement.
Radio button, Not for future use.


Standardized scores and gains of the completers' own students  

We use the PRAXIS II and evaluate our program based on pass rates in each teaching major.

Radio button, Relied on.



Ratings of portfolios of academic and clinical accomplishments  

We currently do not use a portfolio system and do not intend to implement one in the future.

Radio button, Not for future use.


Third-party rating of program’s students  

We do not use a third-party rating of students for program improvement.

Radio button, Not for future use.


Ratings of in-service, clinical, and PDS teaching  

We use the Field Experience Performance Assessment (FEPA) for program improvement.

Radio button, Relied on.


Ratings, by cooperating teacher and college / university supervisors, of practice teachers' work samples  

We use evaluations of Teacher Work Samples for program improvement.

Radio button, Relied on.



Rates of completion of courses and program  

This data is available in the brief and we are using it for program improvement.

Radio button, Relied on.


Completers' career retention rates  

We are currently designing a system to gather this data with the assistance of the Montana Office of Public Instruction.

Radio button, For future use.


Completers' job placement rates  

We are currently designing a system to gather this data with the assistance of the Montana Office of Public Instruction.

Radio button, For future use.


Rates of completers' professional advanced study  

We have not collected this data and do not intend to collect or use for program improvement.

Radio button, Not for future use.


Rates of completers' leadership roles  

We have not collected this data and do not intend to collect or use for program improvement.

Radio button, Not for future use.


Rates of graduates' professional service activities  

We have not collected this data and do not intend to collect or use for program improvement.

Radio button, Not for future use.


Case studies and alumni competence

Evaluations of completers by their own pupils  

We have not collected this data and do not intend to collect or use for program improvement.

Radio button, Not for future use.


Completer self-assessment of their accomplishments  

We have not collected this data and do not intend to collect or use for program improvement.

Radio button, Not for future use.


Third-party professional recognition of completers (e.g., NBPTS)  

We have not collected this data and do not intend to collect or use for program improvement.

Radio button, Not for future use.


Employers' evaluations of the program's completers  

We are currently designing a system to gather this data with the assistance of the Montana Office of Public Instruction.

Radio button, For future use.


Completers' authoring of textbooks, curriculum materials, etc.  

We have not collected this data and do not intend to collect or use for program improvement.

Radio button, Not for future use.


Case studies of completers' own students' learning and accomplishment  

We are currently designing a protocol for case study and intend to pilot in 17-18.

Radio button, For future use.

1: Assessment results related to TEAC Quality Principle I that the program faculty uses elsewhere must be included in the Brief. Evidence that is reported to the institution or state licensing authorities, or alluded to in publications, Web sites, catalogs, and the like must be included in the Brief. Therefore, Title II, results, grades (if they are used for graduation, transfer, and admission), admission test results (if they are used), and hiring rates (if they are reported elsewhere) would all be included in the Brief.

B. Provide an update of the program's data spreadsheet(s) or data tables related to the program's claims.

Paper ClipMSU-Bozeman Assessment Data Formatted for CAEP Annual Report 2017

Section 8: Preparer's Authorization

Preparer's authorization.By checking the box below, I indicate that I am authorized by the EPP to complete the 2017 EPP Annual Report.

Checkbox checked I am authorized to complete this report.

Report Preparer's Information

Name:   Bill Freese  
Position   Assessment Coordinator  
Phone:   406-994-3072
E-mail:   iedbf@montana.edu  


I understand that all the information that is provided to CAEP from EPPs seeking initial accreditation, going forward accreditation or having completed the accreditation process is considered the property of CAEP and may be used for training, research and data review. CAEP reserves the right to compile and issue data derided from accreditation documents.