
The Department of Education may provide scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students who are presenting at professional meetings and conferences. Funds have been earmarked each semester for this initiative. Each student may receive up to $500 permitting fund availability. Students may be at any education level and must be currently enrolled at MSU. Students are eligible to apply for one scholarship per academic year.

The Process

Begin an email messgae to Dr. Lauren Davis. Copy the Application Form below and paste it into the body of the email message. Provide the requested information for each item. Attach an electronic copy of your conference acceptance communication. Send the email message.

The Payback!

Upon return, students receiving funding will submit a paragraph with their presentation topic and meeting/conference experience to Dr. Lauren Davis for inclusion in departmental communications.

The Application Form

First Name:

Last Name:

Email Address:

Phone Number:


Project Mentor or Advisor:

Name of Conference or Meeting:



Title of Presentation:

Abstract that was accepted for presentation:

Budget - A rough budget of how I will use up to $500:

I have attached an electronic copy of my conference communication of acceptance.