CAEP ID: 10318 AACTE SID: 3210
Institution: Montana State University - Bozeman 
Unit: College of Education, Health & Human Development 

Section 1. EPP Profile Updates in AIMS

Please review the Educator Preparation Provider's (EPP's) profile in AIMS and update the following information for: Contact Persons, EPP Characteristics, Program Listings. [See the Annual Report Technical Guide for additional guidance.]

1.1 Update Contact Information in AIMS:

1.1.1 I confirm that the EPP has listed and updated the contact information for the individual(s) designated as "EPP Head."

[The individual(s) identified as the EPP head should have authority over the EPP. This contact may receive time-sensitive communications related to the accreditation of the EPP.]

Agree  Disagree
Radio button on for Agree


1.1.2 I confirm that the EPP has listed and updated the contact information for the individual(s) designated as "CAEP Coordinator".

[The individual(s) identified as the CAEP Coordinator should have a role in coordinating accreditation activities. This contact may be carbon copied on communications to the EPP head.]

  Agree  Disagree
Radio button on for Agree

1.1.3 I confirm that the EPP has provided updated contact information for two distinct people for these roles.

[CAEP requires that EPPs provide information for two distinct contact persons to ensure that automatic communications sent from AIMS are received by the EPP in the event of personal turnover.]

Agree  Disagree
Radio button on for Agree

1.2 Update EPP Information in AIMS:

1.2.1 Basic Information - I confirm that the EPP's basic information (including mailing address and EPP name) are up to date and accurately reflected in AIMS.

[The individual(s) identified as the EPP head should have authority over the EPP. This contact may receive time-sensitive communications related to the accreditation of the EPP.]

Agree  Disagree
Radio button on for Agree


1.2.2 EPP Characteristics and Affiliations - I confirm that the EPP characteristics and affiliations (including Carnegie classification, EPP type, religious affiliation, language of instruction, institutional accreditation, and branch campuses/sites) are up to date and accurately reflected in AIMS

[The individual(s) identified as the CAEP Coordinator should have a role in coordinating accreditation activities. This contact may be carbon copied on communications to the EPP head.]

  Agree  Disagree
Radio button on for Agree

1.2.3 Program Options - I confirm that EPP's program listings (including program name, program review level, certificate level, program category, and program review option) are up to date and accurately reflected in AIMS for all EPP programs that fall within CAEP's scope of accreditation; (programs outside of CAEP's scope of accreditation should be archived and not listed in AIMS).
Agree  Disagree
Radio button on for Agree

Section 2. EPP's Program Completers [Academic Year 2020-2021]

2.1 How many candidates completed programs that prepared them to work in P-12 settings during Academic Year 2020-2021?

Enter a numeric value for each textbox.

  2.1.1 Number of completers in programs leading to initial teacher certification or licensure1   192
  2.1.2 Number of completers in advanced programs or programs leading to a degree, endorsement, or some other credential that prepares the holder to serve in P-12 schools (Do not include those completers counted above.)2    
  Total number of program completers   208

1 For a description of the scope for Initial and Advanced programs, see Policy II in the CAEP Accreditation Policies and Procedures

Section 3. Substantive Changes

Please report on any substantive changes that have occurred at the EPP/Institution or Organization, as well as the EPP's current regional accreditation status.

Have any of the following substantive changes occurred at your educator preparation provider or institution/organization during the 2020-2021 academic year?

3.1 Has there been any change in the EPP’s legal status, form of control, or ownership? 

  Radio button off Change Radio button on No Change/Not Applicable  

3.2 Has the EPP entered a contract with other providers for direct instructional services, including any teach out agreements?

  Radio button off Change Radio button on No Change/Not Applicable  

3.3 Since the last reporting cycle, has the EPP seen a change in state program approval? 

  Radio button off Change Radio button on No Change/Not Applicable  

3.4. What is the EPP’s current regional accreditation status?

Accreditation Agency:

  The Montana Office of Public Instruction  




Does this represent a change in status from the prior year? 

  Radio button off Change Radio button on No Change/Not Applicable  

3.5 Since the last reporting cycle, does the EPP have any other substantive changes to report to CAEP per CAEP’s Accreditation Policy?

  Radio button off Change Radio button on No Change/Not Applicable  

Section 4. CAEP Accreditation Details on EPP's Website

Please update the EPP's public facing website to include: 1) the EPP's current CAEP accreditation status with an accurate listing of the EPP's CAEP (NCATE, or TEAC) reviewed programs, and 2) the EPPs data display of the CAEP Accountability Measures for Academic Year 2020-2021.

4.1. EPP's current CAEP (NCATE/TEAC) Accreditation Status & Reviewed Programs

4.1 Provider shares a direct link to the EPP's website where information relevant to the EPP's current accreditation status is provided along with an accurate list of programs included during the most recent CAEP (NCATE or TEAC) accreditation review.


4.2. CAEP Accountability Measures (for CHEA Requirements) [2020-2021 Academic Year]
Provider shares a direct link to its website where the EPP's display of data for the CAEP Accountability Measures, as gathered during the 2020-2021 academic year, are clearly tagged, explained, and available to the public.

CAEP Accountability Measures (for CHEA Requirements) [2021-2022 Academic Year]

  • Measure 1 (Initial): Completer effectiveness. (R4.1) Data must address: (a) completer impact in contributing to P-12 student-learning growth AND (b) completer effectiveness in applying professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions.

  • Measure 2 (Initial and Advanced): Satisfaction of employers and stakeholder involvement. (R4.2|R5.3| RA4.1) 
    Data provided should be collected on employers' satisfaction with program completers. 
  • Measure 3 (Initial and Advanced): Candidate competency at completion. (R3.3) 
    Data provided should relate to measures the EPP is using to determine if candidates are meeting program expectations and ready to be recommended for licensure. (E.g.: EPP's Title II report, data that reflect the ability of EPP candidates to meet licensing and state requirements or other measures the EPP uses to determine candidate competency at completion.) 
  • Measure 4 (Initial and Advanced): Ability of completers to be hired (in positions for which they have prepared.)

CAEP Accountability Measures (Initial) [LINK]


CAEP Accountability Measures (Advanced) [LINK]

Section 5. Areas for Improvement, Weaknesses, and/or Stipulations

Summarize EPP activities and the outcomes of those activities as they relate to correcting the areas cited in the last Accreditation Action/Decision Report. The EPP will continue to report its action and progress on addressing its AFI(s), weaknesses and/or stipulations until the EPP's next CAEP Accreditation Site Review.

This section is blank because MSU—Bozeman's Teacher Education Program had no Areas for Improvement, Weaknesses, and/or Stipulations cited in the last Accreditation Action/Decision Report.

Section 6. EPP's Continuous Improvement & Progress on (advanced level) Phase-in Plans and (initial-level) Transition Plans

Please share any continuous improvement initiatives at the EPP, AND (if applicable) provide CAEP with an update on the EPP's progress on its advanced level phase-in plans and/or initial level transition plans.

6.1 Summarize any data-driven EPP-wide or programmatic modifications, innovations, or changes planned, worked on, or completed in the last academic year.
This is an opportunity to share targeted continuous improvement efforts your EPP is proud of. Focus on one to two major efforts the EPP made and the relationship among data examined, changes, and studying the results of those changes.

SSR Preparation has led to full, EPP-Wide examination of evidence and continuous improvement. We have initiated a Validity and Reliability Committee, re-aligned multi-section course outcomes/syllabi, piloted the Student Learning & Licensure (web-based assessment platform), and have conducted a large-scale, EPP-wide five month self-study that included nearly 40 EPP staff and faculty. Finally, as in-person courses resumed this past fall (2021), we have been able to re-evaluate our protocol, data collection methods, and analysis of evidence. We have established a semester template protocol for year-end recording of data/evidence and established opportunity for alignment and continuous improvement.


6.1.2 Would the provider be willing to share highlights, new initiatives, assessments, research, scholarship, or other activities during a CAEP Conference or in other CAEP Communications?

Radio button off Yes Radio button on No

6.1.3 Optional Comments


A.1.2 Provider Responsibilities
A.5.3 Continuous Improvement
R3.2 Monitoring and Supporting Candidate Progression
R5.1 Quality Assurance System
R5.4 Continuous Improvement
R6.3 Faculty Resources
R6.4 Infrastructure



Upload data results or documentation of data-driven changes.

Paper ClipAnnual_Review_attachment_6.1.docx

Section 8: Feedback for CAEP & Report Preparer's Authorization

8.1 . [OPTIONAL] Just as CAEP asks EPPs to reflect on their work towards continuous improvement, CAEP endeavors to improve its own practices. To this end, CAEP asks for the following information to identify areas of priority in assisting EPPs.

8.1.1 What semester is your next accreditation visit?

Fall 2023


8.1.2 Does the EPP have any questions about CAEP Standards, CAEP sufficiency criteria, or the CAEP accreditation process generally?

We have been directing questions to Vince O'Neil at CAEP


8.2 Preparer's authorization.By checking the box below, I indicate that I am authorized by the EPP to complete the 2022 EPP Annual Report, and that the details provided in this report and linked webpages are up to date and accurate at the time of submission.

Checked checkboxI am authorized to complete this report.

Report Preparer's Information

Name:   Rebecca Turk
Position   Director of Accreditation  
Phone:   406-994-4537  


I understand that all the information that is provided to CAEP from EPPs seeking initial accreditation, continuing accreditation or having completed the accreditation process is considered the property of CAEP and may be used for training, research and data review. CAEP reserves the right to compile and issue data derived from accreditation documents.

Checked checkboxAcknowledge