The Electronic Document Management (EDM) initiative is a program identified through the OpenMSU initiative. EDM and paperless processes enable Montana State University greater efficiency while pursuing environmentally responsible solutions to document storage needs.

Instructions: Click the questions below for answers to our Frequently Asked Questions. For additional EDM training resources, visit EDM training information is at the bottom of the webpage.

EDM refers to Electronic Document Management, which is the management of documents using computer programs and storage rather than in hard-copy format.

An EDM system allows users to create a document or capture a hard copy in an electronic form, store, edit, print, process, retrieve and otherwise manage documents. MSU will be using Application Extender by EMC, which will be fully integrated with Banner, but can also be used alone.

The benefits of implementing an EDM system include:

  • Remote access to documents

  • Collaboration

    • Improve collaboration internally through an easily accessible, shared, web-based interface versus sharing over email or paper copies
  • Document security and control

    • Set security controls for sensitive documents or scrub sensitive information
  • Decrease document management, archiving and storage costs

    • Decrease the need for physical storage for paper records, enjoy faster document retrieval and processing times
  • Easy document retrieval

    • Use search or filtering capabilities to find documents much faster than searching through paper storage systems
    • Use Banner screen-contextual feature to call up relevant documents on the fly
  • Document recovery

    • Documents are safely stored in case of disasters or emergencies that may destroy paper files or other types of storage systems
  • Environmental stewardship

    • Reduce need for paper and reduce environmental impact
    • Save money by using less paper, inks, toner, etc.

EDM encompasses the tools needed to scan, store, retrieve, and organize electronic versions of documents both within the Banner system and outside it. EDM alone does not include the electronic routing and approval of documents or transactions, but will certainly be complementary.     

Workflow is the brand name for Banner’s electronic approval and routing product.  This type of product can encompass many types of electronic approvals, and will continue to be implemented in the future. Examples of recently-implemented Workflows include approvals such as the dependent tuition waivers and the electronic routing of all invoice payments to OSP for review. 

In short, EDM refers to the storage of documents that we are required to keep on file, such as receipts for purchases, certain employment related files, certain financial aid verification documents, and the like. Workflow refers to the electronic approval of a transaction, such as the number of hours worked or the authorization for a trip, and may not have a document associated with it at all.

A file or group of files stored in an application and identified by a unique set of index information. Each page of a document is a single object, such as a scanned image file or a word processing document. A document can be as small as one page, or it can contain thousands of pages. 

A needs analysis was conducted with the help of Ellucian consultants, and pilots have been completed in Bozeman Admissions, Bozeman Registrar, Billings Business Office, Bozeman Business Office, and Bozeman College of Engineering purchasing card documentation.

If your department is interested in EDM, please download this form and send us an email at

The EDM project team received recommendations from the Ellucian consultant, and determined  which scanners work the best with EDM in our environment. The scanners that we use are a Canon DR-M140 for most jobs and the Canon DR6030C for large, heavy use. 

No! The EDM platform can upload and store files that have nothing at all to do with Banner. Custom cabinets can be built for departments by working with the EDM team to decide if this is the right solution.