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Task Details
Verify access to courses

Verify access to courses via the My Courses widget or the "Select a course..." areas in Brightspace Learning Environment.

Select this link to access the Brightspace login page.

Course availability

If course availability is incorrect or incomplete, contact the department from which the courses originate.

Departments work with the registrar to establish course offerings in the Banner System. Banner sends updates to Brightspace multiple times daily with course and enrollment information.

Instructors should work with their department and/or the Registrar’s office to have “Instructor of Record” information correctly reflected in Banner for each course an instructor is scheduled to teach.

Course/Section merges

Multiple sections of a course can be merged. To request a merge, send an e-mail to with the course rubric, course number(s), course section(s) (to include in the merge), and course title.

Select this link for information related to the merge process.

*It is best to request merges prior to adding content to a course and prior to the start of the term.

Publisher Integrations

A publisher integration can provide seamless access to publisher sites for learners and instructors from within the Brightspace interface. To request a Publisher Integration, send an e-mail to with the course rubric, course number, course section, course title, and the Publisher Integration needed.

Select this link for information related to the publisher integration process.

Activate course

It is the instructor’s responsibility to make a course active and accessible to learners in Brightspace.

Select this link to access information on how to activate a course.

Attend workshops as necessary

Select this link to access the "Faculty Workshops and Learning Opportunities" page to view and register for offerings.

Enroll other instructors, course assistants into course(s) as needed

Add a course assistant or colleague to a class

Select this link to access information on how to add users into a course.

Select this link to access information on the roles available in Brightspace.

Copy or import previous course content

Select this link to access information on how to copy course content from one course to another.


Links will open in a new tab or window dependent on browser/OS configuration.

CD 202308