Thursday, August 2, 1:30-3:00, SUB Ballroom A, Interactive Panel Discussion

At a time when social, economic and political decisions, along with extreme weather events, challenge the viability of communities in remote locations, educators need to rise to the challenge of preparing the youngsters in these communities to work towards sustainability for a more certain future.

What innovative approaches have been taken towards educating for sustainability in remote locations and what are the challenges faced?

A popular view of sustainability derives from viewing sustainable development as meeting “the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” (Brundtland Report, 1987). To achieve sustainability in any particular context or situation, three important pillars have to be addressed: social sustainability, environmental sustainability and economic sustainability.

For a community to be sustainable it must be “economically, environmentally, and socially healthy and resilient” (Institute for Sustainable Communities). This sustainability is more likely to be achieved through integrated solutions rather than fragmented approaches that meet one goal at the expense of another. So, to work towards sustainability communities need to drive innovation but not compromise “way of life”.

Communities can be remote for different reasons but mostly these involve difficulties of access. Often this is for geographic reasons: mountain ranges, thick vegetation, sparse vegetation, bodies of water or just vast distance from more populous areas. However, social, cultural, economic or political divisions can also cause communities to be “remote”.

What can educators do for their students to help remote communities work towards more sustainable solutions: environmental; cultural; social; economic ….? What is already being achieved in remote locations? What were the challenges in achieving this? How were the challenges met?

This interactive panel provides the opportunity to consider educating for sustainability in remote locations. The panel members, each from a different country, will share innovative solutions and/or challenges related to their own country. The interactive structure of the panel will allow for discussion and wider sharing of innovative practice.

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