Volunteers assist with students moving into the dorms for the Fall Semester.

Looking to promote an event or program? Use MSU tools to help get the word out.


MSU Today is a helpful resource for upcoming events as it comes out and is received by faculty and staff every Monday morning through email. However, MSU Today does not accept non university campaigns, and submissions for announcements must be submitted before 4pm of the business day before the e-newsletter comes out.

Click here to be taken to the MSU Today homepage

The online MSU Calendar of Events page broadcasts the many upcoming events happening on campus and one of the best ways to let students know about your event and any important details. To submit an event, you'll need to log into COPE (a content publishing and reuse platform) with your netID and password.

Also, the event will need to go through two rounds of approval for accuracy (the first from a content manager, administrator, or the Web Team) and the second being final approval from the Web Team.

Click here for more detailed instructions for how to submit a COPE calendar event.

Click here to review an exemplary example of a COPE calendar event to use as a reference

If you are looking to create graphics to use for your social media, big boxes for your university landing page or printed deliverables to hand out or display on campus Creative Services can assist with what you are looking for. 

Click here to be taken to the MSU Creative Services Project form.

If you are looking for items to help give out for promotion or during the event, the Bobcat Spirit page provides a comprehensive guide on how to order from a licensed vendor while also making sure your design falls under MSU's brand standards.

Click here to review the MSU promotional and Branded items guide.

The MSU Exponent is the university's student newsletter and has been in operation since 1895. With a new release every Thursday of the academic year, The MSU Exponent is a great way to get the word out. To submit your event, fill out the form provided on their website.

Click here to fill out The MSU Exponent's event form.

Keep in mind though that this service does require payment which can be reviewed through The MSU Exponent's pricing page.

The display case near the Ask Us desk in the SUB is a great way to get the word out for your event as it sits in a frequently passed-by area in the SUB. To reserve time and to receive approval for the poster design for the display case, reach out to Conference & Event Services at subscheduling@montana.edu or SUB 211. 

You'll be given a key to unlock the display case and will need to set up your posters on the first day of reservations and take down on the last day.

A clearly visible sign must also be put up to state who is sponsoring said display and every group/department is given a limit of 7 days per semester. 

There are two information table spaces available for student organizations and departments to use. Table space must be reserved in advance which can be done by contacting MSU Conference & Event Services at
(406) 994-3081

MSU Mail Services provides a variety of bulk mail listings that best suit the audience you are reaching out to for your event. The "please post" list allows you to send out deliverables such as posters to each department across campus for a charge of $25. Other examples of mailings you can send out to are:

  • Campus ($80)
  • Department Head/Faculty ($45)
  • Professional ($40)
  • Deans & Director ($25)
  • Faculty ($40)
  • Classified ($40)

To submit a bulk mail order, please use this online form and check the bulk mail list(s) you would like sent out.