College of Business is Offering a New Course: Advanced Business Planning

November 14th, 2011

For students in all majors interested in being an entrepreneur, the College of Business will offer MGMT 491, Advanced Business Planning, for the spring 2012 semester. This class will be held on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays from 3:10-4:00 pm in Reid 450.

Some reasons you may want to take this class:

  • Build new relationships with peers, professors, and industry leaders (references and networking)
  • Be a part of the commercialization of a new business (experience)
  • Practice skills needed by every business owner (technical skills)
  • Gain the confidence you need to start your own business (self-confidence)
  • Have something exciting to talk about in your job interview (ambition)
  • And you may have the opportunity to compete in business plan competitions!

For more information, please contact Joe Long,, 406-994-7433